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77 contributions to Brojo: The Integrity Army
Musings on stages of growth
I just watched the "what next" blog video. Hmmmmm... hits me that one of the things I have always wondered is why I could not seem to practice all the self help, motivation, good stuff I learned in books and trainings. I have wondered if it is my ADHD, brain damage from my drinking days? (counter evidence exists to the second, I could never really apply and grow learnings as a kid.... unless I was really interested and it had to do with art, psychology, or words, so ADHD seems more plausible). I think after watching the vid, that (and this links to my last 5 years learning about trauma) I just never had a safe base..... I had not ever had a secure or safe base. I was born into chaos and violence and separation, and I never was given by my care givers a secure base level security to move out from. Make some sense to me of a life time issue!!! I like the way the vid works with all the categories and frames of growth we are using in Brojo, and I am well familiar with Maslow's hierarchy of needs, so it makes sense how I need my finances in order to be able to do the higher level courage and meaning work ... the fact is I do not, and that gives me pause for thought !..... I realise I need to create a base, but I am finally making progress in my courage and bravery, so I will keep at that too,,,,, I won't put it all on hold until I sort my home and money, but I see I need to pay more attention to my foundation. I did almost have a foundation 5 years ago, then I had a 2 year horrific illness and lost my job, my home, my partner of the time, and have ended up broke and flatting at 57,,, I recognise there is work here for me to do, and I am going to step back a bit to pay attention to foundational levels, as well as moving forward in growing myself, As well as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Erickson's stage theory is a frame work that has helped me.... I realised when I first read that, that I never progressed in the developmental tasks beyond child hood, or at best adolescence,,.... and I have thought about it a lot, and how it frames the growing up, individuating process as well as Maslow, just in a more step by step guided manner.... again, I see this in the video ,.... Thanks for posting this Dan, I keep finding I am getting piece by piece a fully rounded "growing up" process here !
New comment 5h ago
2 likes • 15h
I believe ADHD can be really hard. Especially if you are trying to follow conventional self help strategies that are not designed for your brain type or personality. It's hard to be bold and choose to find or create your own unconventional uncompromised way of living but when you do you start to match your value-potinetial gap. The most ironic thing is with ADHD the super power is creativity but so many people try to put it away and get in a "normal" box. As if Superman had decided not to fly and try organise a bus schedule instead for transportation.
0 likes • 5h
@Aaron Frater
Welcome! Please read this first!
Welcome everyone to the Brojo Integrity Army community! Thank you all so much for joining. Actions: 1) Please write a post introducing yourself - where you're from, what you're working on, and anything else you want people to know about you e.g. your most recommended self-development resources 2) Check out the other recent posts and offer support, encouragement, and advice (if asked) to join in the discussion 3) Go sign up to the Nice Guy Recovery course in the Classroom tab - it's open entry and free! 4) Join the 30 Day Social Confidence Boost Challenge! It’s free :) 5) Start liking and commenting on posts - this will gain you points and help you move up the ranks. As you move up, you'll unlock free courses and win prizes!! Some group rules to keep in mind: - No solicitation without my approval - do not offer your services or products as posts or private comments to other members - if someone does this, let me know immediately. This will result in a permanent ban. - Keep it respectful and try to help each other out. Disagreement is fine, abuse is not. - This page is exclusively about self-development, so discussions on unrelated topics (e.g. politics) will get deleted. - If anything in this group bothers you for whatever reason, please personally message me and I'll try to sort it out Thanks, and enjoy the community!! Dan Check out the 3min video below to learn how to use this platform
New comment 24h ago
Welcome! Please read this first!
0 likes • 24h
Welcome @Oliver Al-Masri Entrepreneur - Advisor & Artist here with lot's of sales background. I am in Sydney for another 12 days hit me up in the dm's if you want to connect.
Are you a self-help freebie addict?
It’s time to get a little confrontational and uncomfortable… Being in the world of self-development for nearly 20 years, I’ve seen it all. There are those who binge on books and courses, putting almost none of it into action but feeling like they’re making progress because of all the new information in their heads. There are those who worship this guru or that, becoming devotees of a single methodology, to the point of abandoning all reason and sanity. There are the keyboard warriors who spout advice and criticism online all day long, but are hypocrites who don’t model any honorable behaviour themselves. Yes, there are plenty of frauds and posers and wannabes and deluded souls in the self development space. I’ve spent time being each of these types myself, so I’m not judging! But today there’s just one I want to talk to, one type I’ve never been… The freebie addict. read about it here.. if you dare!!
New comment 22m ago
Are you a self-help freebie addict?
2 likes • 1d
Love this post so much, one of my favourites from you. As a "student of the game" I have seen the difference in those who invest and those who don't. Me and my freind who both found NLP together online and shared resources. We started at the same place, I left for Sydney to do a course and my life changed and he never invested in anything and 20 years later still talking about doing an NLP Course. When I first started in self help back in 2010, (back in the torrent/ limewire days.) As an unemployed 20 year old, I downloaded every Esoteric,Dating, Psychology, Spiritual,Marketing, NLP book, audio/video course I could find. Any bit of self help I could get my hands on. I had a list of like over 200 pdfs and programs. I barely committed to any of it - just simply got high off the potential life-changing gold I had in my resources. I did occasionally spend some time going into some of the stuff. I had a good eye intuitively and knew what were like the 10 things out of 100 that were exceptionally good. When I came across some real gems that's when my goal and intention was to go buy the book for real when i could (which i did, either for myself or for others as gifts or often I would do the programs, Tony Robbins etc) No More Mr Nice guy was one of them. Even though I started as a dude getting all this free stuff, it never sat with my integrity and I always took the pay it forward approach. Years later I invested in so many different programs and coaching. Ironic or not depending on how you look at it, the moment I invested $$ I created an emotional investment. Therefore I got more out of it. You cant change but stay the same. So many people want to read the book and just change in one specific way, like... I want to be an uneventful guy but want all women to love me Or even worse i want to run a business and charge for a service and I want help to do that but don't want to pay for that help....idiot mindset! If you want to change then change. I am a guy who has been pretty bad historically with managing money but proud to say I have tried to invest in myself when I can.
Intermittent - Courage Practice - diary.....
I know my courage and bravery have been showing up on their own since commtiting to Brojo.... and I know I have consciously, at timers, courted them .... I think I made some notes of things to show this in behavioral terms... but, I cannot recall the others right now.. But right now, I want to recorded yesterdays win.... I did an MRI scan ! Which may not sound a lot to some, but I am intensely claustrophobic (and have a fear of heights, I have flown once in the last 20 years)... I had actully been in an MRI 2 times before, but that was in my 2 year illness, when I was a walking skeleton (I barely fit in an MRI tube now days !) and I was so out of it in agony, and full of drugs, I did not really notice the procedures .... I fricken noticed it yesterday ! all 45 minutes(felt like 2or 3 hours!) of it.... but, after 1 false start and a panic, .. I got back in and coped with the cascade of passing emotions and sensations , and the bloody noise it made! So, that's quite a win for me !
New comment 22h ago
1 like • 3d
That is a big one man, definitely can relate
A rant about unconventional strategies
Tell me yours
New comment 12d ago
A rant about unconventional strategies
1 like • 13d
@Aaron Frater nice man! Lean into your mystical alien rules and actions
1 like • 12d
@Aaron Frater Thats a great point!
1-10 of 77
Jay Moore
325points to level up
Grown-up Kiwi kid. Alien - Super hero. Philosopher, Joker, Story teller, Coach

Active 5h ago
Joined Jul 10, 2024
Sydney, NSW, Australia
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