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Free Kettlebell Transformation

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9 contributions to Free Kettlebell Transformation
Flag Ship Program & Workout Journal
Taking a cue from a few other members, I will use this to report on and track my progress in the Four Week Flagship Program. Today is Week 1, Day 1 Kettlebell weight 15lbs - I only have a 15lbs bell, so I will go with what I have until I get my next weight size. Starter 3 Rounds Kettlebell Deadlift 5 Pushup Walkup 5/5 - These kicked my butt; I need to work on upper body strength. Goblet Squat 5 KB Deadbug 5/5 - I really enjoyed these. 2H Swings 10 x 10 - I need to work on my form and focus on my breathing. Getups 5 x 1/1 - I need to work on my form. It also didn't help that my puppies ran all over me like I was a jungle gym when I was on the ground. - I will probably spend a day breaking the Getup down into its parts. I'm left-handed, and sometimes my coordination is off, especially when I start on my right side, so I might have to start on my left side. - I found my coordination was better coming down than getting up. Finisher I love the press. Going from a GS to the press was smooth, like buttah! I hated the side planks, they kicked my butt, and I ended up skipping them, opting for a GS to Halo instead.
New comment Apr 18
0 likes • Apr 15
I have been the absolute worst at keeping track of my workout for the past couple weeks. I'll get back on track this week. Part of it is that I'm not on a consistant program, i.e. the Flagship or something similar. Instead I've been using ChatGPT to program my workouts. ChatGPT is no substitute for 1:1 coaching, or even following a good online coaching program, but in the age of workouts on YouTube and Social Media it's been nice to have a resource that I can go to and write a prompt asking for a 30 min workout that incorporate specific movements, a warm up, and a finisher, like I did the other day: "For a 30-minute kettlebell workout incorporating thrusters, two-handed swings, halos, snatches, and Turkish Get-Ups, plus a 3-minute warm-up and a finisher, here's a structured plan: ### 3-Minute Warm-Up - **Jumping Jacks:** 1 minute - **Arm Circles:** 30 seconds (15 seconds each direction) - **Bodyweight Squats:** 1 minute ### Main Workout (Approx. 24 Minutes) Divide the workout into circuits for efficiency, aiming to complete each exercise with minimal rest between them and 1-2 minutes rest between circuits. - **Circuit 1:** Repeat for 2 rounds - **Kettlebell Halos:** 8 reps each direction - **Kettlebell Thrusters:** 10 reps - **Rest:** 30 seconds between exercises, 1 minute after the circuit - **Circuit 2:** Repeat for 2 rounds - **Two-Handed Kettlebell Swings:** 15 reps - **Kettlebell Snatches:** 5 reps per arm - **Rest:** 30 seconds between exercises, 1 minute after the circuit - **Circuit 3:** Repeat for 2 rounds - **Turkish Get-Ups:** 2 reps per side - **Rest:** 1-2 minutes after completing both sides ### Finisher (Approx. 3 Minutes) Aim to increase the intensity here for a strong finish. - **Two-Handed Kettlebell Swings:** 3 sets of 20 seconds of swings, 10 seconds of rest ### Notes: - **Intensity:** Adjust the number of reps based on your fitness level and the weight of the kettlebell. The goal is to keep the intensity high but manageable within each circuit.
0 likes • Apr 18
Some progress news: - I've completely transitioned to using my 12-kg bell as my standard bell. The 15-lb bell is now my warm-up bell, and it feels like nothing! - I've been incorporating the 16-kg bell as set in my routine. I mentioned earlier that I would jump back into the Flagship Program; that didn't happen. After programming with ChatGPT and watching some of my favorite IG KB Coaches, I put together a personalized complex instead: - SA Row - SA Deadlift - SA Clean - Front Rack Squat - Push Press or Rotational Push Press - Snatch R/L = 1 Round 5 rounds R1 (warm-up) 15-lbs R2, R3 12-kgs R4 16-kgs R5 12-kgs I finished with a bunch of Swings, Halos, and Around the Worlds: 1 2H followed by 1 2H American Swings 10 x 2 rounds 12-kg/16kg 10 R/L AtW 5R/5L Halos 10 Tactical 1H Swings 12-kg This was a great workout. The only movement I didn't do yesterday was TGU, but I worked out outside, which made up for it.
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here - Please Read 👀)
Welcome to the Free KT Community! You are now entering a hidden oasis on the internet for busy guys who want to get strong with kettlebells the simple way. Here's EXACTLY what to do first: Step 1: Introduce yourself HERE using this Copy/Paste Template (copy these questions and paste them into your post): Where are you from? What's your nickname? Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Least Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? What do you need immediate help with inside this community? Step 2: Learn how to unlock everything by reading this. Step 3: Comment below with a GIF (you'll get points when people like your GIF!) ------ Best practices in this community: - Try to level up quickly by commenting and posting your insights in the community - Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up. - Be kind. - If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community ------ Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
372 members have voted
New comment Apr 28
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here - Please Read 👀)
2 likes • Jan 9
@Brandon Whisonant Welcome!
0 likes • Apr 10
@Jacob Dubois welcome!
48kg Getup!
After something like 8 months of basically just using the Flagship program I hit my first 48kg getup yesterday and it felt pretty strong. I was skeptical that my smaller 5'9" 168lb frame could actually make it there, but trusted the progressive overload model and kept grinding. @Grant Anderson and @Sean Griffin if I can do this following a free 4 week cycle from you guys I'm curious what I can accomplish with the Academy. Might have to try it out for a few months.
New comment Mar 28
1 like • Mar 28
Nice work!
Hello - My Name is Jim
Where are you from? Just North of Kansas City, Missouri What's your nickname? When I was a young Army Officer, my platoon gave me the nickname Dancing Bear. Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? Still waiting - I am greener than green and just starting from scratch. Least Favorite Kettlebell Exercise? I will let you know -haha What do you need immediate help with inside this community? Support and expertise in all areas. I am here to lose weight, get fit, and learn a new exercise and nutrition regimen for life.
New comment Feb 15
3 likes • Jan 22
Kettlebell alternatives to push-up, planks, and burpees?
I’m trying to figure out alternatives to push-ups, planks, and burpees. I have a pinched nerve in my neck and these are a no-go for me. I can do elevated push-ups and downward facing dog, but any other variation of these aggravates my nerve. Whenever these come up in the Flag Ship program I either skip them or do Halos. I’d like some variety, so I thought I’d ask for some suggestions.
New comment Oct '23
0 likes • Oct '23
@Michael Nørgaard When I tuck my chin I can feel discomfort in the area.
1 like • Oct '23
@Michael Nørgaard that is a really good question. Let me talk to my Chiro about that. I haven’t seen him in a few months, and this would be a good time for a visit.
1-9 of 9
James Neal
350points to level up
I just turned 50. I live in Texas with my husband and our two dogs and cats.

Active 47d ago
Joined Aug 30, 2023
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