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MindGym (FREE)

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SwimStrength Community

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7 contributions to MindGym (FREE)
My Birthday is in 4 days.. but this year I will be giving YOU a gift..
On that day, I will be making the biggest announcement of my business life.. and I mean that... I truly truly mean that... no hype... It’s something I've been working on for the past few months... It's something that I feel is my destiny... It's something that will change my life, but more importantly, change your life.. and if everything goes right… it will positively impact hundreds and eventually thousands of lives... Please circle October 6th, 4pm CET (3pm UK) on your calendar... I will make the announcement on a live Zoom call... This date will always stay in my heart forever as the day when everything changed... I'm most excited for you.. this announcement will help you swim faster than you ever have... while fully enjoying the journey of a competitive swimmer. Who doesn’t want that... Meanwhile enjoy a baby photo of me.. hahah and if you can’t wait for my mega announcement.. scream - HE HAD A HUGE HEAD! 😂
New comment 12d ago
My Birthday is in 4 days.. but this year I will be giving YOU a gift..
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Cute Photo! I can really see your daughter! Happiest of birthdays for Sunday. 🎂🎁 🥳 Sound exciting and intriguing. Will you post about it after too? I’ll try and join zoom, we will be at a gala and been warned about lack of phone reception! 🤪 you know how it is!
Training minset
Hey! Have you got any info on mindset during training sets? Should these be different from race? I’m thinking yes? Training at my daughter’s club is repetitive and basic. No technique coaching, which I think will slow her down and possibly plateaux this season. The social side of training is keeping her love so far. Just hope she has a great gala this coming weekend too. Will be first one of short course season for us!
New comment 20d ago
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@David Karasek it’s in my diary! Looking forward to it.
Welcome in the MindGym For Swimmers! This is a community to help competitive swimmers get rid of pre-race anxiety. And swim faster than you EVER have!! ❤️ Step #1: Before you do anything else, get your custom 30-day improvement plan here. 💭 Step #2: What's your dream for swimming? Vote below. 🖐 Step #3: Introduce yourself to the community by commenting on this post. You can copy this template if you want: Name Your Age Current Location Your #1 goal this season Your FAVORITE GIF 🚀 Step #4: When you've done Steps 1-3, start your MindGym journey: - Getting started on Skool - Watch The 5 Simple Steps to Overcome Pre-Race Anxiety - Pre-Race Confidence course Want my attention? I volunteer quite some time to deliver you the tools that the sports psychologist of Michael Phelps taught me FOR FREE. When I send you a welcome DM, you'll get my attention if you act like a decent human being and say hi back 😊 🚨 WARNING: If you APPLY (=implement, use, do...) what I teach inside the Pre-Race Confidence course, you will swim faster than ever - especially under pressure. Don't change anything, the system is perfect. But you have to do the work! If you're just consuming videos and don't change your behavior, YOU HAVE LEARNT NOTHING!! 🚨🚨 Even if it feels weird to engage in the community, do it anyways. Get over yourself and start contributing to the growth of the other members here. Fun fact: You know why you suck at the individual race in the morning and then are killin' it in the relay just a couple hours later? It's because you automatically get out of your own way when you make it about others. And the pre-race anxiety that you're struggling with right now is because you're in your own way.
28 members have voted
New comment 16h ago
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@Maria T oh I’m not stopping her from swimming or doing what she loves, just trying to stop the over training. I haven’t seen anyone training as many hours as 22hrs a week. Plus school sport. It’s not good for her both physically or mentally.
0 likes • 21d
@Maria T yes she does. Before school, after school, at weekends. Only Sundays off 🤪 We are striving to find a better balance and learn some mental resilience on the way too! She’s only 14. Needs time to be a kid too! It sounds like your training session is at a sensible time and you have a great balance 😊
Which Of These 7 Mental Mistakes Are You Making??
Be an #ActionTaker: Step 1: Read the checklist (3mins) Step 2: Post the numbers that you struggle with in the comments below 👇 Step 3: If I missed anything, let me know in the comments too Your honest answers will allow me to make 100% specific content that solves your biggest problem. Remember: We're here to CRUSH our PB's this season!! So let's gooo! Don't wait and watch from the pool deck. #DOTHEWORK
Complete action
New comment 9d ago
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I’d say 2,3,5&7 for my daughter. Although she is getting much better since her sessions with you.
Are You Making This Mistake?
Everyone has a different reason for joining this community... Maybe it was the courses, bonuses, live trainings, the chance to get 1:1 time with me, or the guest expert sessions coming soon… I will say this... what you will find to be FAR MORE VALUABLE than all of that combined is… THE COMMUNITY HERE! If you are making the mistake of not posting your introduction here, you are missing out on so many potential connections and the ability to share your experience and to receive support from our members. Put yourself out there, let us know.... 1. Who are you and where are you from? 2. What are your top 3 favorite swimming events? 3. What are your PB's? 4. What can you contribute to this community? 5. What could you use some support with? 6. What are you hoping to get out of joining the community? This will allow you to make some life long connections here and allow us to celebrate you, your growth, your wins, and support you every way we can along the way. If you have not posted your introduction yet... PLEASE TAKE 2 MINUTES TO GET IT DONE :) IMPORTANT: Let’s help everyone rise up the leaderboard. The more you post, like other people’s posts, comment on posts, and like all their comments… the more we ALL WIN TOGETHER! Thank you for being here... I am truly grateful for YOU!
New comment 21d ago
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I’m a parent of a 14yr old swimmer. She started competing a couple of seasons ago but has been swimming for a long time. She even saved her brother’s life when she was 5. Her favourite stroke is Breaststroke, all distances. She just missed out on qualifying for British nationals but made English which we are all super proud of her for. I’m here because I think the mind is an amazing thing and would love to know how i can help my daughter and son through their sporting journeys. They both are known to be over thinkers…
1-7 of 7
Gemma Foulds
7points to level up
Just a mum trying to support daughter through swim journey…

Active 1d ago
Joined Sep 24, 2024
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