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7 contributions to KetoforCancer
Fenbendazole question
I just started taking fenbendazole 5 days ago. I read somewhere that it's best to take with a meal. But another reading said it wasn't as effective that way. Does anyone have a recommendation as to their own experience taking it and suggestions? My dosage is 222 mcg. Also, I'll be starting up another water fast. Would it be more effective taking it during those days? Would love to hear everyone's thoughts.
New comment 2d ago
Just started using Fenbendazole and a new ENT
Hello Everyone, I received my bottle of Fenbendazole 222 mcg 5 days ago, and have taken it for the last 5 days while continuing my daily routine of working out at the gym doing a significant cardio exercise and resistance training all of which seem to have a positive impact. Still, it's difficult to tell what is happening. The tumor in my neck seems stifled and isn't causing me as much difficulty but the goal is to shrink it. I do have a GKI monitor but have yet to use it. I am in a state of ketosis and have been over the last 5 months with a couple of water fasts. Another one is due. What would be ideal would be to have a doctor or oncologist who was willing to work with me in the local area. But so far, nothing. As I have stated previously, when I was first diagnosed with the tumor being malignant, I was assigned a team of oncologists by the ENT I want to initially. They were unwilling and refused to use less radiation to treat the tumor. So I left and refused the radiation treatments and decided to go it alone after viewing several videos posted from Dr.Seyfried. I did have an appointment with an ENT this past Tuesday to look at the tumor. But canceled the appointment because I now have a hernia that will need to be taken care of surgically. So the visit with the new ENT will be after the hernia surgery. I'm going to hope that I can convince this ENT to work with me with only 5 treatments of radiation instead of 33 as was the plan with the first oncologists. I'm hoping for the best with the Fenbendazole. Can anyone tell me if they have used it and if so, what was the outcome? Thanks for taking the time to read all of this. Gary
Sunday Story time! Tell us HOW you found out...
... about Dr. Seyfrieds metabolic / ketogenic therapy! What was your journey? What did you watch on youtube to find him? What did you google, read, etc, to finally end up at his theories? In my case, I listened to the Peter Attia - Dom Dagostino Keto Podcast, where at the very end, Dom throws around the measures to do when somebody has cancer. As my graddad died of cancer, I was just effing mindblown and so excited, can't even put it into words. Then: The Crossfit presentation by Dr. Seyfried, O M G !!! What's your story? :-)
Complete action
New comment 7d ago
1 like โ€ข 17d
@Miri Mo No, my tumor is on my left side of my neck not affecting my thyroid or vocal cords. It is very uncomfortable at times and on occasion, I sometimes get very sharp pain there. But it's only for a couple of seconds or so and then disappears for hours at a time.
0 likes โ€ข 12d
@Miri Mo Thanks for your input. I have an appointment with an ENT this Wednesday. Not sure why I've made the decision to see him as I've been through this before with a different ENT back in January/February. And it was with that ENT where the plan was to treat my tumor with 33 blasts of radiation. I opted out. So I'm sure this ENT is going to suggest something similar or perhaps more radical as the tumor has grown. But it certainly isn't as big as an orange. I would say it's more the size of a medium plum. Instead I may go with the suggestion from a friend who told me to schedule an appointment for radiation treatment but only go in for 5 at the most; maybe even only 3 and then not go back. I also received Fenbendazole last night. So I intend to start taking that tonight. I've also been taking high doses of melatonin...
Super Sunday Poll! What are the things you don't like about...
...Press pulse? You are allowed to rant today, and let some steam off! :-) Meaning, what annoys you the most when it comes to a therapautic ketogenic diet :-p ?
15 members have voted
New comment 3d ago
4 likes โ€ข 17d
@Rioghnach O'Leary I too very much miss vegetables and fruit or at least the variety of veggies and fruit that I once consumed. I still indulge with berries mixed in a bowl of plain whole milk yogurt. But that's the only fruit I eat. I miss the amazing apples and pears I once ate regularly. And especially during the autumn months. I also miss the tropical fruit such as mangos, bananas, and pineapple. Actually, I still eat a variety of veggies but I do miss legumes, corn, and potatoes. I am doing my best to keep my muscle as I do workout doing cardio and using weights for resistance at least every other day and sometimes daily. I've lost 32lbs over the last 5 months. All the pants I have are much too large around the waist now and I have to wear a belt to keep them up. So recently, I bought a pair of 6 pants to fit my current waist size. I went from a 32 inch waist to a 28 inch waist. Also the veins in my arms are very defined and noticeable now. Before when I had blood work done, there was difficulty locating a vein in my arm. The last time it was done, the nurse said "No problems getting a vain now...." No doubt being in ketosis I've lost the weight and kept it off.
I'm new here
I've been watching videos of Professor Seyfried's videos for the last 7 months and have learned so much. I was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in my neck in February and went against having radiation treatments which is how the oncologists I went to wanted to proceed; a total of 33 treatments over a 6-week period. I was going to go through with it until I discovered Dr. Seyfried. But I opted out of their treatment. I tried to go for limited treatments but they wouldn't hear of it. I also brought up the metabolic treatment and I was met with arrogance and ignorance. So for the last 7 months, I have been disciplined on the keto diet and just began water fasting losing 32lbs and have felt much better as well. I've done 2 water fasts and will continue them and have been working out at the gym and continue to at least every other day. However, the tumor in my neck has grown. So I am still concerned as it does cause discomfort at times. Also, I forgot to mention that there was a biopsy done when I first went to the oncologists where the tumor doubled in size just 3 days later. If I knew then what I know now, I would NOT have let them proceed with it. So, there is more to tell. I have decided to meet with an oncologist 2 weeks from now. I will probably agree to some radiation treatments. But instead of a multitude of treatments, I was planning on limiting it to 5; maybe 8. I'm already in ketosis so I'm guessing this might work to shrink this tumor. If I had DON, I could treat the glutamine. With all this said, any suggestions? And thanks for your patience reading my story.
New comment 18d ago
1 like โ€ข 18d
@Egg Scrambled Hi and thanks about the melatonin which I did research on 2 months ago. I've been taking heavy doses of it every day. Oddly enough, Russell Reiter, who is Professor of Cell Biology in the department of Cell Systems and Anatomy at UT Health, San Antonio is the person who discovered the health benefits of melatonin as I am guessing you probably already know. And I just happen to live in the same city as he. Is it working? I don't know. I want to believe it is helping to keep the tumor in its place without the cancer spreading to the rest of my body. We shall see. I still intend to start using Fenbendazole which I've ordered and when it arrives.
1 like โ€ข 18d
@Miri Mo Thanks for sharing your story. My heart is with you as you go through each challenge to remedy your illness. I am hoping with all my heart that things turn in your favor and soon.
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Gary Davenport
45points to level up
Singer/Songwriter, Musician, Library employee, former Teacher, Gardener, Cook regularly and love it, Dog lover, Forever a student of many interests.

Active 2d ago
Joined Aug 28, 2024
San Antonio
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