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NEW Classroom Content: Papervideo 2018 Glioblastoma study, Egypt
To be found here: Source: Initial Calender Deadline: 27.10.2024 This is the paper / patient that Dr. Seyfried quotes a lot in his presentations: The Egyptian brain cancer GBM patient. Not using Mebendazole or Fenbendazole, the patient survived at least 23 months with a ketogenic diet (calorically restricted until month 9) and HBOT therapy! 💪👨‍🎓📰 Calorie restriction (900 rather than 1500 cals/day, 9 mo) was used until the the patients BMI was around 20. Do not lose more weight than that! Medications used: Metformin (1,000 mg/day), Methylfolate (1,000 mg/day), Chloroquine phosphate (150 mg/day), Epigallocatechin gallate (400 mg/day).
Roughtcut of the Egypt GBM paper....
.... is done :-) But I will probably add some additional graphs and tables (also regarding fasting, bmi, calories all in relation to bodyweight) to make the timeframe more clear, so this can take some time still:
New comment 5d ago
Roughtcut of the Egypt GBM paper....
Sunday Story time! Tell us HOW you found out...
... about Dr. Seyfrieds metabolic / ketogenic therapy! What was your journey? What did you watch on youtube to find him? What did you google, read, etc, to finally end up at his theories? In my case, I listened to the Peter Attia - Dom Dagostino Keto Podcast, where at the very end, Dom throws around the measures to do when somebody has cancer. As my graddad died of cancer, I was just effing mindblown and so excited, can't even put it into words. Then: The Crossfit presentation by Dr. Seyfried, O M G !!! What's your story? :-)
Complete action
New comment 7d ago
Study about cancer cells using fatty acids
Hi all, Seyfried says cancer cells can’t use fatty acids but I found this study that they actually can through the fatty acid transporter proteins (FATP), which are highly expressed in subsets of patients with melanoma and act to promote melanoma progression. Should I ask him to comment on this?
New comment 12d ago
So I worked with "Genius but still quite stupid" ChatGPT to create a tool, with which you can search through subtitle files, those are SRT files. An SRT file saves the timestamp and the text. Meaning, with this tool you upload SRT files and then you enter a search term, the tool will then show you where this term was mentioned (automatic youtube subtitles though). It took me forever to make chatgpt also include the line before and after, to give more context to the search result So you can use it here, the SRT files until video 100 are in a rar file that you can extract. As of right now, the canon is 127 videos I still have to create a database of all videos with youtube urls and stuff. So what is the benefit to you? Instead of browsing though each video and look for something Dr. Seyfried said manually... (You can speed it up with tools, I do this with this chrome browser extension ) can upload the SRT files and simultaneously search thorugh aaalll of his videos with one simple click! Then you can see where this word was mentioned, including timestamp, and then jump into the video itself I will also create a youtube video about this, so it will take some time until everything is finished :-p Have fun testing! P.S. You can of course use this tool for any srt files, meaning any videos. Subtitles can be downloaded here
New comment 13d ago
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We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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