2024-5.2: WOW (Workout of the Week)
5' WU, 10(1/1), 20(:30/:30), 10(1/1) at 100%/rest, OC style. Est time: 65' 5 minutes warmup. 10 sets of 1 min at 100%/ 1 min full rest. Then 20 sets of :30 seconds at 100%/ :30 seconds full rest. Then 10 sets of 1 min at 100%/ 1 min full rest. OC style means switching sides every 10-12 strokes. Read below for WHY Record down the time/pace/speed for each piece. Post your Strava link, course map, your time, and how it felt! Make sure to categorize in the "WOW Results" Category OC style - allows for switching sides (suggested every 12 strokes) DB style - one-sided only Top 30-day contributors will be winning prizes or $$$. 1st - 1:1 on-water session with me ($200 value) 2nd - 1 week of Personalized Programming ($90 value) 3rd - 1 gift of a month to a friend for to join TLC Skool Community ($50 value) Current May leaders: 1st - Janet Leung 2nd - Jack Zee 3rd - Astrid Jacob Note: must be redeemed within the following month. This workout is really going to test your fast-twitch muscles. The 1-min pieces, you want to get as fast of a score as possible in the early sets. See where your body starts fatiguing in the first set of 10. Then we jump into the 30 second bursts and the key here is that you HAVE to be mentally in the game. Your first 5 strokes will determine how well you do for the whole piece. If you start slow, you won't have time to pick it up. SO push push push. Then we finish off with another 10 sets of 1 min on and 1 min rest. At this point, you are just holding on for dear life! Remember to take a photo of your score/data! PS. This past weekend, I had an amazing TLC 2-day Clinic in Kansas City with SLAP Dragons. Last weekend, I had a great 1-day Clinic in Denver with PASCO. Our group is growing, so if anyone travels, please feel free to reach out in here for the connection!