Access to a pool around childcare, exposure as cheap costumes are too revealing and this leads to number 3 expenses of swimming access to good classes and pool, being embarrassed for not being able to swim around much younger life guards at local pools
@Tanya Milo I hear you girl I almost drowned twice once when I was 12 and in my 20s during a swimming lesson. Have made peace and now back at it maybe that's why I managed to master the backstroke for fast not sure but I'm here to learn to swim on my front and to get the deep end mastered. Again eveytime I get to the deep end on my back I take about 5min to get my heart rate down so I can swim. The fear stays for now but I'm getting there.
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What barriers or hurtles have you faced while learning how to swim? Please comment below and let's all work together on ideas and solutions to overcoming common barriers while learning how to swim!
Breathing hands down that the biggest obstacle for me have been going through your videos from start now I'm at the front float with Breathing and mixing it up with the rotation to breath for free style as I am more comfortable on my back.
How do I balance myself when getting a breathe during the glide as eveytime I lift my head my float move from the surface to about 30cm below surface making it hard to get the next breathe.