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Brojo: The Integrity Army

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4 contributions to Brojo: The Integrity Army
Say hello to Assistant Coach Jason ‘Jay’ Moore!
To ensure this Brojo community on Skool delivers as much practical value as possible, @Jay Moore has joined the team as my Assistant Coach. You can each expect to hear from him personally. Jay is tasked with helping each of you make the most of your time here, whether it’s helping you stay accountable with completing courses, or answering your questions, or helping you find valuable resources, or introducing you to other members who you might connect well with. Whatever you need, make Jay your first point of contact. He’s planning to go through all the members and reach out to each of you privately. You can decide how much support you want from him, and what kind of support would suit you best. Let’s welcome Jay! Cheers Dan
New comment Aug 12
2 likes • Aug 7
@Anthony Tadros I currently have Sleep Apnea as well and I have been trying different things nightly. I’ve been making 2 steps forward, 1.5 steps back in terms of progress. It’s progress, but it’s been rather slow. Curious, have you resolved your Sleep Apnea? How did you know that it started to damage your organs? What did you do to cure it?
1 like • Aug 10
@Anthony Tadros I did undergo a sleep study a few years ago and I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea, with the option to try out a CPAP machine. I decided to forego a machine at the time in order to try to mitigate the sleep apnea on my own. I have been mildly successful, but I think I’m approaching the point where I should just try it out. Thank you for sharing what you have gone through and mentioning how it’s important it has been for you to treat it. I had no idea how damaging it could be, but I realize how important sleep is and after decades of such apnea, I can see why it would incur such damage to the body.
Seeking advice after a Nice Guy Syndrome incident
With Dan and Brojo's help over the years, I have gained so much more self-confidence in myself and I am immensely grateful for that. However, I had a personal Nice Guy Syndrome incident a few days ago and am looking for some advice. I work in a retail pharmacy owned by a small hospital, and I was working the cash register momentarily while waiting for my female cashier to arrive. A fellow hospital employee entered the pharmacy. I was in a good mood and had mistakenly expected a reciprocal friendly attitude from him. The hospital employee brought some candy to the register to buy, and I said "Oh I haven't seen these in a while." He responded with "Yeah, me too. If it's not good, I'm going to throw it at your face" in an unfunny and a non-sarcastic tone. I was taken aback and I said "oh... ...and why would you do that?" He says "Well, I can't throw it at the girls (the ones who order the candy). That would just be mean. Well, unless YOU identify as a girl, then well..." I went from friendly customer service mode to being bothered so quickly. Yet, I had the most difficult time standing up for myself and expressing how I truly felt. In my bothered state, I accidentally pressed the wrong button on the cash register. He then said something like, "wow, now you don't even know how to use the cash register?" In my shock, I couldn't even say anything (which made this incident even more painful). My girl cashier finally arrived and took over the transaction. I went home that night and I became emotional. And I realize that it wasn't the words that he said that hurt. What hurt was the fact that I had about 2-3 other incidences like these in the recent past, and that this was yet another incident of my inability to express how I truly felt in the moment. I was also upset that I was unable to communicate to him that what he said was not okay with me. I think my identity with Nice Guy Syndrome and my ties with my Asian culture makes it difficult at times to "not be polite"/"disturb the peace" in the moment. I seem to be thrown off-guard when I'm in a good mood and someone acts disrespectful unexpectedly.
New comment Aug 2
1 like • Jul 30
@Jay Moore Hey Jay, doing a lot better. I spoke to some family members, and that helped me process some things for myself. I live alone, which has its benefits, but has the downsides of being in my head very often. Will continue to build my confidence and I’ll become stronger from this. I appreciate the check in, bro. Thank you.
1 like • Aug 2
@Jay Moore hey really appreciate you engaging with my question. It’s nice to hear from someone else that has gone through this before. I think you’re right… I tend to analyze too many things and keeping it simple sounds like something very useful I can try for next time. Thanks for providing the example too! Will try my best to keep it simple for next time. I got this ✊
The most successful gurus are all insane!
Daily Dose of Integrity My favourite business guru is Alex Hormozi. I’ve never in 10 years as an entrepreneur seen more value come from one person. I wholeheartedly recommend any business owner follow Hormozi’s advice. However… Here are some of the things I’ve seen him talk about in his content: - vacations are a waste of time - he feels “deprived” making “only” $250 million per year - he scoffs and rolls his eyes at the idea of “purpose” and “meaning” in business - he recommends cutting off friends and all socializing in order to grind more - he thinks we should work 6 days per week minimum, and ideally every day - he works every day until he can’t focus any more - basically working until burn out - money is all that really matters as a measure of success - he has no windows in his office to avoid being “distracted” by the outside world - when discussing his partner he only seems to talk about how helpful she is to his success in business - I’ve never seen him commend her other qualities or value she brings to his life that don’t in some way relate to increased revenue The most successful business people in the world have excellent business advice, but their philosophy is fucked. The most successful athletes in the world have excellent training advice, but their philosophy is fucked. The most successful dating gurus in the world have excellent social advice, but their philosophy is fucked. What do I mean by this? I mean in order to become a pioneer who breaks through to the next level of achievement in any human domain you have to be an obsessive. You have to value succeeding at that thing more than you value psychological health, balanced life experiences, connections, travel, etc. So it's important when you're following all these gurus online that you take their advice, but with a grain of salt. Yes, they know what they're talking about but only for their specialist domain. They have been so obsessed with that domain they have sacrificed all other aspects of life.
New comment Aug 17
2 likes • Jul 17
Great point, Dan. I’ve also gained value from him in regards to work ethic, but I heard Hormozi say something like him and his wife worked on his wedding day and even the day after… while I personally enjoy working hard, I also enjoy my vacations.
Hi Guys, I'm Eman
Hi Guys, I'm Eman (pr. "E"-"man") from the Los Angeles area in the US. I find a lot of people that I interact with in my day-to-day (workmates, customers) are lacking self-confidence and/or regularly use various forms of dishonesty for their own personal gain, which I believe has influenced me to slip up here and there. I want to be a part of this community because I want to interact with like-minded people who focus on integrity and helpfulness. Right now I'm working on finding a deeper sense of purpose. I have a good-paying job (I'm a pharmacist), but I want to find work that is more deeply-satisfying to me in the future. I don't know what that is right now, but I'm searching.
New comment Aug 17
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Eman Ventura
3points to level up
Currently trying to learn kanji

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Joined Jul 12, 2024
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