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Apperception Alliance

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Apperception Academy

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Team Ruff

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17 contributions to Apperception Alliance
Personality Type
Which one resonates with you the most?
64 members have voted
New comment Feb 28
1 like • Feb 28
Ambiverts are real???
0 likes • Feb 28
@Gabriel Smith I’ll be socializing with the people I’m closest to and still be worrying about what to say :’) there’s probably only a single person to whom I just speak freely to
Taking alone-time
Hi there! Right now I'm struggling with feeling overcrowded and I just want to be alone. But I live with a big family and am never alone in the house. How can I find time for myself? Do anyone have any advice for communicating this to the people around me or how to find time alone. Also how to feel more comfortable with people being around me all the time. Thankful for help 🌷🌼🌻
New comment Feb 28
3 likes • Feb 28
I’m not sure how your family is, and which of these will work for you, but here are a few things that may help :) 1. Try just talk to them, have a conversation and try voice how you feel, explain that you need your own space and alone time sometimes and need everyone to respect that 2. Try find somewhere in the house where you can be on your own, if you have your own room, then keep the door locked or enforce a “knock before you enter” rule if your family is the type to just barge in. 3. If you have a shared room with no personal space, perhaps a small room or area to go to when you need time on your own would be helpful, I used to share a room with my brother and I kid you not, I would go sit in the bathroom to read in silence, going outside is also another place where you can be on your own. 4. Maybe create a schedule, tell everyone that you will be busy at x time and don’t want to be disturbed, but make time for socializing too! If you’re never around then people will stop respecting your schedule (in my experience at least). 5. If being around people so much all the time bothers you or overwhelms you a lot, whenever you feel overwhelmed try to take a deep breath and calm down, what are you feeling? Why are you feeling this way? What about this is making you uncomfortable? What about this situation is positive? How can I communicate my needs to everyone else? Hopefully at least one of these helps! Again, I’m not sure about your situation, I’m just giving advice that has worked for me, and some that have worked for others, I hope anyone reading this has a nice day <3
Language Learning
I want to learn more French as a native spanish speaker, what are some tips or suggestions for learning languages? Thanks everyone
New comment Feb 29
2 likes • Feb 28
@Anni Munsin Ek Not my post but I’m stealing these tips from you >:D (thank you <3)
What are some hobbies you guys have! It would be nice to see what other things this community is interested in :) feel free to expand on them if you wish!
Personally I enjoy reading quite a bit, I’m also learning Japanese and definitely love to study drawing!
40 members have voted
New comment Mar 2
1 like • Feb 28
@Abraham Diop I did roller skating a few years ago, but every-time I tried I found myself so scared of falling that it slowly became more of a “try not get injured” thing rather than a hobby! I still have the skates, once I manage to be consistent with my routines then I definitely want to try again with a different mindset!
2 likes • Feb 28
@Anni Munsin Ek Ooo I adore taking care of plants! Baking is really fun too! I’m just an absolute hazard fire in the kitchen.. may I ask what macrame is?
What’s a quote that you genuinely took to heart? Either it heavily inspired/motivated you, told you a truth you needed to know, or made you think about it.
For me, quotes tend to fly over my head, sometimes I’ll just think of them as words but here are a few that honestly made me reconsider! “Winners do what losers don’t want to” - some random poster in my school - this one pops into my head every time I have something I need to do but try push off or complain that I don’t want to do it, it makes me remember that those actions are what will lead to regret, no matter how insignificant it may seem. “It is never too late to become who you might’ve been” - George Eliot - A lot of the time people wish they did something earlier, and then don’t try do it. For example, people wish they started learning things like an instrument or a language a few years ago, but many of them won’t try now. Then in a few years they’ll wish they started back then. It’s not too late, and honestly better if you start now compared to if you choose to wait ten more years and then regret it all over again.
New comment Feb 29
1 like • Feb 27
@Olivia Elise Don’t spare me… send the whole list (if you can!) >:D
1-10 of 17
Eeshal Shahzad
61points to level up
Hello :) I hope anyone reading this has a nice day <3

Active 14h ago
Joined Feb 22, 2024
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