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6 contributions to Cluttered to Clarity -> ⚡︎
Everyone Please Give a Warm Welcome to Adrienne Tichy!
Adrienne Is on a mission to educate the country about the dangers of addiction. She lives in Delray Beach, FL, with her husband and two K9 daughters. Thanks for joining Adrienne! You can find the community navigation map here. It's still early days in the community, but there will be more courses and posts coming soon. If there's anything in particular you would like to see, let me know! :) We're excited to welcome you to our community of go-getters! To ensure you get the most out of this experience, I've set up a short, mandatory onboarding call. It's our way of meeting you, and equipping you with the tools you need to succeed. This community is for those serious about growth and client success – and it all starts with this brief, engaging call. Ready to dive in? @Adrienne Tichy
New comment 4h ago
1 like • 4h
Welcome, @Adrienne Tichy. Happy to see you here.
Almost back firing on all thrusters soon!
This bug has pinned me down under the weather far longer than any other I've had for years. My apologies for the radio silence! I'm excited for whats ahead, and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you. Stay Tuned :)
New comment 7d ago
Almost back firing on all thrusters soon!
1 like • 8d
Happy to hear you are feeling better.
Balance is not something you find, it's something you create. Embrace each challenge as an opportunity to refine your approach and keep moving forward, one step at a time!! ✨✨✨
New comment 7d ago
1 like • 8d
@Benjamin Cherry that's a perspective I hadn't considered before, teaming balance with boundaries. Thank you for that insight..
Do ONE THING and do it WELL
I have oftentimes underestimated my capacity for handling multiple tasks. Turns out, humans actually can't - the closest We can get is to very quickly switch between tasks. But this quick task switching has a high cost. 1. Prioritize Ruthlessly Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks. Focus on important and urgent tasks first. Consider delegating or eliminating low-impact activities to free up mental space. 2. Embrace Single-Tasking Multitasking can reduce productivity by up to 40%. Instead, dive deep into one task at a time. If you like, you can use a tool like the Pomodoro Technique, which suggests 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. 3. Create a 'Not-To-Do' List Identify and list activities that drain your energy without providing value. Commit to avoiding these tasks. While the exact time savings will vary, this practice can free up significant time in your workday for more important pursuits.
New comment 7d ago
1 like • 8d
I also get great motivation by keeping a "DONE" list, which I add to each time I complete aa task. And by single-tasking, that list grows quickly... I actually finish more tasks.
When you can't do it all: do less -> gain more
When you can't do it all, you're under distress, Your plate's full, some things fall, give it your best guess. If you could pick just one thing, what would it be? If you could say no, and say it easily, how far could you go, how greatly you'd feel free? It not a paradox, the more we work, staring at clocks, stressing the fork, staring the choice in the eye - Do I do it all, or do I do my best?
New comment 8d ago
1 like • 9d
It is so easy to lose the important under the deluge of the urgent. By slowing down and focusing on just what is in front of you, it is much easier to prioritize effectively.
1-6 of 6
Samantha Potter
14points to level up
I am a Death Doula, Life Threshold Coach, Positive Intelligence® Coach, Energy Practitioner, & Public Speaker on all of the above topics.

Active 3h ago
Joined Sep 1, 2024
Spokane, Washington
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