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Video Marketing Mastery

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Learn how to create and implement effective videos for your marketing


Skool Masterclass

Private • 1k • $125/m

Skool Community

Public • 141k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 19k • Free

Full-Time Creator

Private • 2.7k • Free

Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private • 72.1k • Free

GoHighLevel for Skool

Private • 80 • Free (FREE)

Public • 6.3k • Free

40 contributions to Skool Community
What Niche is Your Skool Group?
It would be interesting to see how many of each group type we have in Skool Community:
151 members have voted
New comment 23m ago
3 likes • 1d
@Theresa Lang I’ve been working in video marketing, helping companies that don’t have a solid strategy come up with a clear plan to create videos that boost sales and grow their brand. Now, I’m looking to offer business owners a complete video marketing strategy through a course with step-by-step modules and consulting calls. I know a lot of businesses struggle with this, but I’m a bit nervous about whether they’d actually invest in it since it would still take some time and effort on their end to put everything into action.
2 likes • 6h
@Theresa Lang Yeah I was thinking about that, what would you consider video wise done for you?
How to get the best lighting for course videos💡
1. Key Light: This is your main light source, placed at a 45-degree angle to your face. It creates the primary illumination and sets the mood of your video. Position it slightly above eye level to avoid harsh shadows. 2. Fill Light: To soften shadows created by the key light, add a fill light on the opposite side. This light should be less intense (you can dim it or move it further away) to create a balanced look without washing out your face. 3. Backlight (or Rim Light): This light is placed behind you, aimed at the back of your head or shoulders. The backlight creates a subtle glow around your subject, adding depth and separating you from the background—this is what gives that professional, 3D look! 4. Depth and Background: Don’t forget about your background! Position yourself a few feet away from it to create depth in the shot. You can also add a small light to your background (like a lamp or LED strip) to enhance the sense of space and draw attention to your subject. By using this setup, you’ll create a well-lit, dynamic image that keeps your audience focused on you. Remember, lighting isn’t just about visibility—it’s about creating mood, depth, and professionalism. Comment below with any questions.
New comment 10h ago
How to get the best lighting for course videos💡
0 likes • 10h
Let me know if you have any additional questions
Too cool for Skool...
I am very excited to be joining Skool as it marks the end of the biggest procrastination period of my entire life! I became a spray paint artist around 3 years ago and took that journey all the way to making it my full time job. Having built an audience of around 3 million followers across the usual platforms one thing I noticed very quickly was that I LOVED passing on the knowledge as I was teaching myself. And so it was I scripted my first course.... 18 months ago! Why it has taken me so long to get started i don't know perhaps I thought I was too cool for Skool or just my existing work load wasn't allowing me the time to get this dream started. But one thing I do know is that skool as a platform has definitely helped inspire me to get my first course underway and with a healthy audience feeding my mailing list, it gives me high hopes that the launch should get off to a good start. I am at the final stages of building the bones of my free community (still struggling with the usual dilemna of whether to have two groups (one free one paid) or one with an unlocking of content option, but that seems like a regular occurence on here. So if anyone has any insight on the topic I'd be grateful! But for now I just wanted to say that I'm happy to be here and reading all the stories in this community is super helpful so thanks to everyone for sharing their insights! I know the title has probably been used a million times already but i think its clever ok....just let me cook here 😎
New comment 6h ago
Too cool for Skool...
1 like • 16h
Master Skool = $10k/mo🤑
Skool has given everyone a really unique opportunity, that you need to take advantage of! It's literally going to be the best way to escape the 9-5 rut that most people are in...🤑 What is this unique opportunity? I've always said, to make money you have to be in areas that money is circulating. You have to be in the middle of that exchange🤝 Think of it like a river leading to a waterfall🌊 You have to position yourself right. Skool currently has a lot of money circuiting around, but in my opinion most people are going about it in the wrong way.... Most are flooding to start their own communities and scale them to $10k/mo - which is a great way to take advantage of the 'skool river'🤩 I think the end goal in 9/10 cases is running your own successful community! But, What you've got to realise is, there are so many creators that are/will be flooding the market with Skool communities - so unless you have crazy social proof or a very unique offer, you'll struggle to compete🤔 So what can I do...? Simple - with the high numbers of creators coming on the platform, their are more opportunities opening up. These creators need: - Operators - Funnel builders - Copywriters - Community managers - ETC 🚀You can fill that role - but in a super unique way. In business, the more niche you can go the better (in most cases). So instead of marketing yourself as a 'community manger' or 'funnel builder', market yourself as a 'Skool specialist community manger'🙌 Your more likely to then be taken on & could even charge more money. You can then build social proof from this and move onto bigger and better things. For example: going from a the community mangers to full time operator (and taking a %). 👉Remember to always thing outside the box & not always go in the direction of building your now thing. That can be the end goal - but first you might have to bide your time working as a Skool Specialist. Action Step (for those not yet making money on Skool)....
New comment 10h ago
Master Skool = $10k/mo🤑
2 likes • 16h
This is a great post, I think what Sam Ovens said in the last webinar really had this hit me too. For someone who doesn't have this massive following on social media, nor desires it, we should use Skool to make money through not only our paid communities, but also making connections and becoming growth operators and also through affiliate sales. We have a unique opportunity here that we're early on. I'd be curious on your take for the best way to go about balancing those 3?
Hit 70M+ Views on IG in 7 Months —Ask Me Anything! 🚀
Hey guys, I noticed a few of you had questions about your IG content, so I thought I'd jump in. We managed to hit 70M+ views in just 7 months organically, and I’d love to share what’s worked for us. If you've got any questions about growth, engagement, or content creation. Drop them below, and I’ll do my best to help out! 🙌
New comment 6h ago
Hit 70M+ Views on IG in 7 Months —Ask Me Anything! 🚀
3 likes • 16h
Wow that's amazing, first off congrats! I guess my question would be, do you think all niches work for massive organic growth (given we stick to it)? And what fundamental principles can we stick to across all niches to reach massive growth?
1-10 of 40
Donovan Camp
30points to level up
I teach business owners how to effectively implement video marketing into their business.

Active 5h ago
Joined Aug 2, 2024
Wilmington, N.C.
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