Master Skool = $10k/mo🤑
Skool has given everyone a really unique opportunity, that you need to take advantage of! It's literally going to be the best way to escape the 9-5 rut that most people are in...🤑
What is this unique opportunity?
I've always said, to make money you have to be in areas that money is circulating. You have to be in the middle of that exchange🤝
Think of it like a river leading to a waterfall🌊
You have to position yourself right.
Skool currently has a lot of money circuiting around, but in my opinion most people are going about it in the wrong way....
Most are flooding to start their own communities and scale them to $10k/mo - which is a great way to take advantage of the 'skool river'🤩
I think the end goal in 9/10 cases is running your own successful community!
What you've got to realise is, there are so many creators that are/will be flooding the market with Skool communities - so unless you have crazy social proof or a very unique offer, you'll struggle to compete🤔
So what can I do...?
Simple - with the high numbers of creators coming on the platform, their are more opportunities opening up.
These creators need:
  • Operators
  • Funnel builders
  • Copywriters
  • Community managers
  • ETC
🚀You can fill that role - but in a super unique way.
In business, the more niche you can go the better (in most cases). So instead of marketing yourself as a 'community manger' or 'funnel builder', market yourself as a 'Skool specialist community manger'🙌
Your more likely to then be taken on & could even charge more money.
You can then build social proof from this and move onto bigger and better things.
For example: going from a the community mangers to full time operator (and taking a %).
👉Remember to always thing outside the box & not always go in the direction of building your now thing. That can be the end goal - but first you might have to bide your time working as a Skool Specialist.
Action Step (for those not yet making money on Skool)....
Jamie Chadburn
Master Skool = $10k/mo🤑
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