How to get the best lighting for course videos💡
  1. Key Light: This is your main light source, placed at a 45-degree angle to your face. It creates the primary illumination and sets the mood of your video. Position it slightly above eye level to avoid harsh shadows.
  2. Fill Light: To soften shadows created by the key light, add a fill light on the opposite side. This light should be less intense (you can dim it or move it further away) to create a balanced look without washing out your face.
  3. Backlight (or Rim Light): This light is placed behind you, aimed at the back of your head or shoulders. The backlight creates a subtle glow around your subject, adding depth and separating you from the background—this is what gives that professional, 3D look!
  4. Depth and Background: Don’t forget about your background! Position yourself a few feet away from it to create depth in the shot. You can also add a small light to your background (like a lamp or LED strip) to enhance the sense of space and draw attention to your subject.
By using this setup, you’ll create a well-lit, dynamic image that keeps your audience focused on you. Remember, lighting isn’t just about visibility—it’s about creating mood, depth, and professionalism. Comment below with any questions.
Donovan Camp
How to get the best lighting for course videos💡
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