21h ago (edited) in Strategy
Too cool for Skool...
I am very excited to be joining Skool as it marks the end of the biggest procrastination period of my entire life!
I became a spray paint artist around 3 years ago and took that journey all the way to making it my full time job. Having built an audience of around 3 million followers across the usual platforms one thing I noticed very quickly was that I LOVED passing on the knowledge as I was teaching myself.
And so it was I scripted my first course.... 18 months ago! Why it has taken me so long to get started i don't know perhaps I thought I was too cool for Skool or just my existing work load wasn't allowing me the time to get this dream started. But one thing I do know is that skool as a platform has definitely helped inspire me to get my first course underway and with a healthy audience feeding my mailing list, it gives me high hopes that the launch should get off to a good start.
I am at the final stages of building the bones of my free community (still struggling with the usual dilemna of whether to have two groups (one free one paid) or one with an unlocking of content option, but that seems like a regular occurence on here. So if anyone has any insight on the topic I'd be grateful!
But for now I just wanted to say that I'm happy to be here and reading all the stories in this community is super helpful so thanks to everyone for sharing their insights!
I know the title has probably been used a million times already but i think its clever ok....just let me cook here 😎
Tom Wells
Too cool for Skool...
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