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11 Plus Journey

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6 contributions to 11 Plus Journey
Day 4 Comprehension Challenge
Today’s session was focused on summarising stories. The after-session work is to choose 10 words from the text and write their synonyms. I told the children to choose simple and not-so-simple words and then write down the words closest to their meaning. Extra points for those who go the extra mile- write antonyms, make stories around the words or write sentences. Parents, please upload the work and/or write it down in the comments. The slides and the recordings will be uploaded to the Comprehension module later this week. Have a great evening 💫
New comment Mar 24
Day 4 Comprehension Challenge
0 likes • Mar 22
Day 2 Comprehension Challenge
We went on a text treasure hunt. Had loads of fun! 😻 The after-session work is to write a simple and small passage about an encounter/ adventure between Sammy and Horrid Henry. Parents, please upload the work and/or write down in the comments I will be uploading the slides and the recordings in the Comprehension module later this week. Have a great evening 💫
New comment Mar 20
Day 2 Comprehension Challenge
0 likes • Mar 20
Aayansh's work
Day 1 Comprehension Challenge
We worked on picture-perfect inferences. The children came up with interesting observances ❤️ Their after-session work is to draw the picture that comes to mind after reading this extract from Oliver Twist. Parents, please upload drawings in the comments and/or write down their account of the picture that comes to their mind. They know what I am speaking about. I will be uploading the slides and the recordings in the Comprehension module later this week. Have a great evening 💫
New comment Mar 19
Day 1 Comprehension Challenge
3 likes • Mar 18
Comprehension Challenge is here!
Comprehension is a big part of the 11-plus tests. It is the core of your dream school tests. Without it, it is like running on a sprained ankle—hopping, skipping, and ultimately falling over. If you are interested in your child attending, please fill out this form Comprehension is communication. Communication is possible not just through words but also visuals in the head that words can make. In our 5-day challenge, children will learn how to use techniques to get better at answering comprehension questions. I want your children to turn comprehension on its head, from a stumbling block to a stepping stone. It is free if you are part of the 11+ Journey OS course for parents. If you are not part of the course and you want to get your child to join the comprehension challenge, become a member of our free group. Then message me to find out how your child can join the challenge. ❤️
New comment Jul 3
0 likes • Mar 17
If you are an existing paid member since December, do you need to use the payment link to pay again- also not clear how many months / session subscription the amount is for
1 like • Mar 18
@Sabah Hadi good morning and sorry for adding another query to your list .....was comfused...thanks a lot🙂
The Year 4 Book List is here!
For all those who have children in Year 4, here is a book list to use. Take a look at it including the guidance at the end it has many tips that have helped me with my own children's prep. Any questions, feel free to ask. Have a great weekend! 🤩
New comment Mar 1
1 like • Mar 1
thanks a lot for continued support and resources as we navigate this journey. I have tried to acess the list however it says I dont have access. Please can you advise @Sabah Hadi . Many thanks
0 likes • Mar 1
@Sabah Hadi thank you, can access now :-)
1-6 of 6
Debs Jain
15points to level up
Mum, scientist, explorer

Active 2d ago
Joined Dec 11, 2023
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