Comprehension Challenge is here!
Comprehension is a big part of the 11-plus tests. It is the core of your dream school tests. Without it, it is like running on a sprained ankle—hopping, skipping, and ultimately falling over.
Comprehension is communication. Communication is possible not just through words but also visuals in the head that words can make.
In our 5-day challenge, children will learn how to use techniques to get better at answering comprehension questions.
I want your children to turn comprehension on its head, from a stumbling block to a stepping stone.
It is free if you are part of the 11+ Journey OS course for parents.
If you are not part of the course and you want to get your child to join the comprehension challenge, become a member of our free group. Then message me to find out how your child can join the challenge.
Sabah Hadi
Comprehension Challenge is here!
The 11 Plus Journey OS
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