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Plant Positive

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14 contributions to Plant Positive
[RECIPE] Healthy Vegan Mayonnaise!
I know I recommend vegan mayo fairly regularly in my quick meals and it's one of the only things I consume that is to be frank, unhealthy. Now, I'm a fan of treats - regularly - however I prefer they be high value treats and my store bought mayo, is low value. It's 71% fat. From canola oil. So when I found this recipe from Carleigh the Scrappy Vegan with only 7 ingredients... using up the aqua-faba I waste every week when I make hummus AND where the only fat is cashews, I was excited. ✅ I am happy to share the taste of this mayo EXCEEDS my high expectations! ✅ It's a little runny however, I can handle that for a quick, cheap, healthy, delicious mayo. Here are the full (simple) instructions from Plant - ½ cup aquafaba, could be more or less, depending on what is left from a can of chickpeas - ¾ cup cashews, soaked overnight (I just soaked for 90 minutes in boiling water) - 1 lemon, juiced - 1 tsp maple syrup - 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp mustard, I used dijon - 1 tsp salt Simply blend all together. Btw, this is exactly the sort of find I share in my weekly 2-6-9: email bursting with vegan goodness & good news! 2️⃣ Quotes. 6️⃣ WINS, recommendations or recipes. 9️⃣ Words to contemplate. Start your weekend with a dose of uplifting vibes HERE and please consider sharing the LOVE with someone who would also find value in it. Thank you and please let me know if you try the mayo!
New comment Aug 14
[RECIPE] Healthy Vegan Mayonnaise!
1 like • Jul 6
I’ve been AWOL for a while, but getting back on track! I keep reading your blogs and comments, so thank you for sticking with us who fall off the bandwagon and struggle to get back on. I love the thought of this vegan mayo recipe! I just wish I had a personal chef who could make all your wonderful recipes for me on a daily basis. I really enjoy eating healthy…I just don’t enjoy making it, even though you do a great job simplifying everything. It all comes down to time, and when you don’t take the time for yourself, you definitely suffer.
1 like • Jul 14
Not yet, Kate, but I will. I need to print out these recipes and plaster them on my fridge! It’s all about remembering at the moment I need it, as well as, of course, prepping. That’s still the hardest part. I’m still struggling to find the time…when I have time, I simply want to relax, not spent 2 hours prepping for the week. I know it doesn’t take long to make each recipe you are offering, just that I need to right the ship and get back on.
🎯😄 We are HALF-WAY through the Plant Positive Jumpstart! 😄🎯
To make this as high value as possible I'd love some feedback. What RECIPES would you like to see this week? Or is something else more useful? Perhaps more MINDSET related? Listed are my thoughts, however please vote OTHER and share your suggestions in the comments if you have better ideas. ✅ I'd also LOVE to hear how you are going with your ONE most important habit? My personal update? I am loving my new: 4-5pm Journaling by the river habit. It feels sustainable and joyful. I easily stay clear of my #1 vice: Red Wine, Monday - Thursday as planned. 😜 If I make this sound simple, it is because I've had years of struggling with this habit and learning what does not work and ALL the many considerations to account for to make it work long-term without trying to muscle through using discipline and willpower. ✅ I can also speak more to this if you are interested?
5 members have voted
New comment Jun 16
🎯😄 We are HALF-WAY through the Plant Positive Jumpstart! 😄🎯
1 like • Jun 16
I really enjoy your recipes, and I love your comments and experiences. I made the tofu mousse for the 2nd time in 2 weeks because it's so easy. I've slipped on other parts, like having chicken because it was easier to make. My #1 issue is that I work more than full-time. Even going shopping is nearly impossible and I have my husband do it. When I take time off, I spend a lot of time cooking healthy, exercising, etc., but when I'm working, it's so difficult. My best success is going to bed at 9:00pm because then I don't eat. But with my workload, I stay up past midnight, get hungry, and it's all downhill from there. If I can get back into a reasonable work routine (I work from home, which means I am always either doing work or thinking about work), that would be great. I don't expect that you'll have the magic formula for this, but I'm just throwing this out there in case anyone has ideas. Thanks!
1 like • Jun 16
These are excellent ideas, especially since I actually like everything you mentioned …mushrooms, edamame, chickpeas,, and lentils. It just seems much harder to think of what to do with them, but you have outlined them nicely. I think the biggest part, by far, is meal prep. If I have a container of ready-to-go items to put on my salad, and they are staring me in the face on the counter or refrigerator, 1st and 2nd shelf (and not hidden), it becomes a no-brainer. So, your sheet tray ideas might really work. When I do make time for meal prep and design menus for the week, I’m much better off that week. So, I look forward to your recipes!
Wednesday WIN!
It's acronym time! Please share your WINS! Here are 3 I'm thinking of... Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this DELICIOUS! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this CHEAP! Wow, I Never Suspected it'd be this QUICK! ... and today I want to talk, QUINOA. WOW, I Never Suspected Quinoa would be this DELICIOUS! Early days eating plant-based I had a recipe flop with quinoa. I don't even know what I did wrong however it didn't cook and it was gross. Now I use it in salads, crispy as an everything topper (todays "recipe" is Crispy Quinoa) and as a high value ingredient in plant-based meat balls and burgers. The lesson? Do not fear the recipe flops! Try again! You've had plenty of bad meat meals right? Plant-based is the same. You just need to be patient and find your new favourites. What is YOUR WIN?
New comment Jun 12
Wednesday WIN!
1 like • Jun 12
Great job, Alicia! That’s exactly what I need to do as well. Much of this is about time management and planning, unfortunately not my forte. When 16 things are going on at once, we tend to neglect ourselves.
Versatile Food Prep (a high protein recipe and 3 ways to use it)
Today's recipe is super easy, it's Crispy Quinoa, the perfect salad or ANYTHING topper! If like me, you LOVE crispy, try this: First cook your **quinoa as you normally would / to packet instructions. Next, spread it on a baking paper covered tray with flavourings of choice and bake at 180C for 15-25 minutes or until golden brown. Turning half way through. **1 cup dry quinoa will make about 3 cups cooked. I make about 1 cup of the crispy at a time and store the rest (cooked not crispy yet) in the fridge. I hope that makes sense? I've seen this with: olive oil + salt and pepper. However I've tried it with and without the oil and both are great! Equally, if you are salt free, garlic and onion powder work well too. Tamari is also a great option. This "recipe" is super versatile. Here are my favourite ways to use this Crispy Quinoa: - As a salad topper. It would go super well with my cauli-kale tabouli from Month 8 of the Plant Positive Journal. - Over baked or roast veg. Or soup. Or stir-fry! - Or you can make your flavouring sweet (like maple syrup, cinnamon) and use it as a breakfast topper!
New comment Jun 12
Versatile Food Prep (a high protein recipe and 3 ways to use it)
1 like • Jun 12
Sounds wonderful, similar to chickpea crisps. Question: Is the quinoa in chunks when you bake it, or separated into individual bits? It’s hard to tell by the picture.
1 like • Jun 12
Also, could you please point us to your cauliflower nachos recipe?
Monday Motivation!
Focus on how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. I really could leave it there. However, here are a few benefits... ✅ You enjoy the JOURNEY more when you focus on the process you are making... and I'm learning life is all about the journey. ✅ What you focus on expands. So focus on the GOOD. Bring more of that into your life. ✅ You are more likely to stick with something when you feel like it's making a positive difference in your life. If you are not tracking the process, not focusing on the progress, it's way too easy to let a day, a week, a month slip by and all of a sudden you've let a great habit lapse.
New comment Jun 12
Monday Motivation!
1 like • Jun 11
I find that immersing myself in all sorts of WFPB readings, movies, stores, podcasts, etc. helps make it feel like it’s becoming “normal.” I had some steak yesterday and I actually felt guilty, which is a good thing! So, I failed but at least became conscious of what I was doing. Tonight I watched the phenomenal documentary about John Robbins (the heir to Baskin Robbins), his life, relationship with his father, and his passion to make a change in this world through WFPB books and eating as well. It was incredibly inspiring. I’m not sure how long it will be available for free, but here’s the link: I hope anyone who watches this enjoys!
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Debbie Wilder
38points to level up
Excited about continuing my WFPB journey! Can’t wait to get my adult kids involved too!

Active 20d ago
Joined May 26, 2024
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