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19 contributions to Freedom Creators
Just released a course on the entire Freedom Creator Model
This is exactly the model I'm following that will take me to 100k/month with Grace. Check it out in the classroom!
New comment 5d ago
1 like • 6d
@Adam Luckey - I watched your video today on the subject and I think I've recently come to a very similar conclusion. There are so many "agencies" out there right now promising the world and doing outreach that most small to med businesses are jaded and not interested at all. But making a personal connection (in person or better yet at scale through YouTube, etc) can lead to very nice opportunities to really help people with their businesses, especially if it's not cookie-cutter but custom to them and actually helps them. Just my two cents.
0 likes • 5d
@Adam Luckey Totally agree.
Stuck because of your model?
If you truly have the skills but you can’t pay your bills it’s your model holding you back. If I have level 10 marketing and sales skills but run a brick and mortar gym (like I did)… there’s only so far you can go in that vehicle of business. An online marketing agency was my next season and I still have it but the particular model of ONLY offering doing done for you services has its limitations. In order to scale you gotta be great at operations, hiring, training, and managing a big team. Not my cup of tea. OR… You can incorporate what I call a “Connection Offer” where people pay you for your knowledge and ability to coach and lead them. You get paid for the hard earned skills, insights, and wisdom you’ve acquired. I’ve happily paid tens of thousands over the years to people running these types of models. I’ve always wanted to get this coaching/consulting model but the timing wasn’t right. I had to gain valuable skills that I could pass on through mentorship. I think that’s where a lot of people get hung up. Trying to find the “perfect business model” when it really depends on your skills and season of life. It’s good to know where you want to end up however. Even if you know it’s going to take a little longer to get their than you want. It is a great feeling to align your unique abilities and passion with a business model you love. For me that’s now coaching and mentoring. I still have my marketing agency but that mostly runs on its own. I’ve realized that I could coach and mentor online entrepreneurs for the rest of my life because it doesn’t drain me. It provides energy and aligns with what I’m good at. And you can scale to 100k/month plus with 90% margins while only working a couple hours a day. My point is doing be afraid to adjust your model to align with your season of life. For me it was scary to make the transition. Fear of what other people think etc… So worth it though 🤙💪
New comment 6d ago
0 likes • 6d
Congrats on the pivot.
Client Win
Kim is a coach that helps her clients learn how to flip real estate. She normally does live launches but her model was causing a bunch of stress. Doing one time sales only, no recurring revenue, lots of calls, and under pricing. She’s been working hard to implement the “connection offer” which is where clients pay you for access. This also includes recurring revenue. That looks like 1 offer but two levels of connection. 1 on 1 mentorship (more expensive) and a community offer (less expensive and scalable) She’s signed 4 new clients on her first day of doors being open. Now she’s stabilizing her business with predictable recurring revenue and getting new leads daily into her funnel. If you want some extra 1-1 mentorship and coaching from myself I just opened 3 spots. I’ll be closing the doors on July 3rd or whenever I fill the 3 spots. Shoot me a DM here on Skool if you are interested and I can shoot over the details of my offer. 🤙
New comment 6d ago
Client Win
0 likes • 6d
Wow. Nice idea and great results. Congrats to Kim.
How to get clients with Paid Ads
Paid ads has been my favorite way to acquire clients in my agency. When you get it right it becomes a fun game. It's certainly risky but with constant improvements it can be the main driver of new clients for your agency. This screenshot shows the progression over a few month period where I was really trying to figure things out. The first month I spent $8,400 on ads and basically broke even the first month. Still a win but not my favorite outcome. We were charging lower price points at like $497/month and quarterly plans at $1,300. It cost me $841 to acquire a client. Over the next few months I worked on refining the offer, the price point, the marketing, and the client results. We ended up brining our CAC (cost per acquisition) down to $500 and our ROAS (return on ad spend) to 5x. I spent way too much on ads in the beginning of this testing phase. I should have started small until I got my ROAS a lot higher. I jumped the gun and was excited to scale hard. Lots of lessons learned. Ultimately, I have a solid method down now for agencies that relies on good marketing and ok sales instead of ok marketing and hard sales. It's the direct brand method that focuses on combining strategic content and ads together. It's one of the main pillars I cover in my 1-1 agency mentorship. If you are stuck in your marketing agency and you want to grow to 15-20k/month profit then this might be a good fit for you. This isn't a group coaching program. It's one to one coaching and mentorship where I'll work with you to create a productized agency where you aren't stuck in the day to day. That way you an ultimately build a business that is simple, focused, and profitable. I opened up 5 spots and we launch May 20th. I've sold one spot already so I've got 4 more. (not fake scarcity I promise). If you want more details just shoot me a DM and I'll send you over the doc.
New comment May 10
How to get clients with Paid Ads
0 likes • May 9
Have you tried Google Ads yet, or is this all Meta (FB&IG)?
0 likes • May 10
@Adam Luckey I have not (yet). I've been doing Google Ads for all sorts of people for the last 20+ years and we are getting some good results in various niches with the AI that Google now uses. I'd love the opportunity to give it a try for you or anyone else that's willing to. Google leads tend to be higher quality, but cost more. They also are something you can set and not have to constantly change, as you typically do with Meta. When Google Ads get dialed in, they tend to work practically forever, with minimal changes.
100k/month update video- We hit 5x ROAS!
-How we hit 5x roas in November. -Biggest lesson after 4 months of trying to scale to 100k/months -The exact numbers we hit -Setbacks we are facing now
New comment Dec '23
100k/month update video- We hit 5x ROAS!
1 like • Dec '23
Thanks for keeping it real. Nice to see the good progress and sorry to hear of your challenging December. Hang in there. Time for a huge rebound. :)
1-10 of 19
Corey Creed
7points to level up
I'm a Google Ads specialist (for over 20 years now) focused on helping anyone to grow profits, primarily using Google AI and quality content.

Active 3d ago
Joined Apr 17, 2023
Greenville, SC
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