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Client Win
Kim is a coach that helps her clients learn how to flip real estate. She normally does live launches but her model was causing a bunch of stress. Doing one time sales only, no recurring revenue, lots of calls, and under pricing. She’s been working hard to implement the “connection offer” which is where clients pay you for access. This also includes recurring revenue. That looks like 1 offer but two levels of connection. 1 on 1 mentorship (more expensive) and a community offer (less expensive and scalable) She’s signed 4 new clients on her first day of doors being open. Now she’s stabilizing her business with predictable recurring revenue and getting new leads daily into her funnel. If you want some extra 1-1 mentorship and coaching from myself I just opened 3 spots. I’ll be closing the doors on July 3rd or whenever I fill the 3 spots. Shoot me a DM here on Skool if you are interested and I can shoot over the details of my offer. 🤙
New comment 9d ago
Client Win
R.E Wins Closed second client off trial
Hey guys just closed second client on a trial through cold calling, keep going failure equals success!
New comment May 1
R.E Wins closed a client off a cold call on a 14 day trial
Hey guys it has been slow at the beginning whilst working in my full time job as a personal trainer. I agreed to do a 14 day trial and a database reactivation campaign and I am using uphex DIY ads so it's going to be £397 per month. My client is an online personal trainer and my niche is gym owners and PTs. Keep going guys I am in Germany Cologne now when I closed my first SAAS deal I'm based in London! It's not easy but keep going I used cold calling to land my first deal. My omboarding process was not that smooth but better tontake imperfect action and get it done.
Hey everyone. Just wanted to share our wins so far for the day. Its only 6:30pm so hopefully there's more to come for the day. But yeah hopefully this post can fire some of ya'll up to keep grinding. Results aren't seen instantly but if you keep outworking everyone you will be rewarded💪👊 Dont be afraid to shoot me a DM if you have any questions 😄
New comment Feb 26
Win from 25th week an agency owner
25 weeks being an Agency owner. What a journey, from barely being able to sign a client on low ticket to now working with 7 high ticket clients. My biggest takeaway from my journey so far is how important being around the right people is. I realise now that every time in my life that I went the wrong way or became somebody that I never wanted to become is because I had surrounded myself with the wrong people. Proximity of the right people is so important and I guarantee once you start surrounding yourself with the right people you will find success.
Win from 25th week an agency owner
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