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Driven & Ambitious Creators

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5 contributions to Driven & Ambitious Creators
4 Days in 2024…
How are we feeling? What are you working on this week? What’s the next 90 days will be like? Antsy? Calm? Excited? Overwhelmed? Just a few days ago, I shared how you’d be able to set goals or revisit goals worth 3,5 or 10 yrs by breaking it down and calling in the first 90 days as your calendar year. ➡️ The other day, I’ve been able to plot next steps - what habits needs to be refined, continued and discontinued and what are we preparing for the year. ➡️ If you’re easing into this new year (just writing out some goals and stuff today, better late than never!). Share it below, let’s help one another!
New comment Jan 12
1 like • Jan 11
Hi I'll reply to this during the weekend. But it does sound like a good way to lay a blueprint for the next few months/years. :)
Here are the celebrations! 🥳 I understand most of you are already spending festive holiday parties and doing our Vision Board party on a weekend (Friday, today) may not be ideal to ensure everyone get to join. I hear you! Instead, I would love to seek for your attendance as to when would you want our annual ALIGNED + ABUNDANT Vision Board Party to identify, definite, paint and strategize clear-cut plans and goals for 2024 and how to turn the year into OUR year rather than of what the society dictates. We'll map our year with work-life integration in place as the priority.
4 members have voted
New comment Dec '23
0 likes • Dec '23
I'll do my best to make it. We have family dinner either Dec. 27 or Dec. 28.
0 likes • Dec '23
@Kassy Pajarillo I'll do my best to attend (I want to) but got prior commitments for tonight. If there will be a recording, I'd appreciate access.
Coffee Talk: In-person Gathering
Dear Driven & Ambitious Creators, There's something about in person events that makes everything more fruitful, joyful and insightful. I would love to collect your thoughts and also some data in order for us to arrange our in person events and grow the community according to the vision we're co-creating together. Would you mind answer the questions below? 1. Where would you rather have the in person gathering? Makati or BGC area. 2. What day and time would you prefer? Friday after work, 6-9PM, Saturday morning 9AM - 11AM, Saturday Noon 3PM - 5PM, Sunday 9AM - 11Am or Sunday 3PM - 5PM What would be our agenda during the gatherings? - Learn from each other's expertise - Business breakthrough coffee talk - we get to update each other and gain clarity for next steps - Form camaraderie & open opportunities. Again, the goal is for us to be co-architects of the community as we open up towards innovation, ideas and process our entrepreneurial journey. Looking forward to learn what you think!
New comment Dec '23
1 like • Nov '23
1. Where would you rather have the in person gathering? MAKATI 2. What day and time would you prefer? Friday after work, Saturday Noon 3PM - 5PM, OR Sunday 3PM - 5PM
0 likes • Dec '23
Hi just a thought, if we will do this, either weekday or weekends, Makati or BGC---can we do it *after* Christmas? The traffic and travel time are horrendous.
👋 Introduce yourself right here!
This is the introductions thread. Say hi, tell us where you’re from and what your course, membership or group coaching program is all about! In your introduction, answer these 4 questions: ➡️ What is your name (feel free to share pronouns if you’d like)? Your nickname is fine! ➡️ What is your course, group coaching program or membership is all about? ➡️ Why did you choose to have this kind of offer? We'd love to learn your story. ➡️ Tell us something fun: What is your favorite thing to do outside your business? (read personal development books, do yoga 3-5x a week, triathlete etc) We can’t wait to meet you! P.S Remember, you're here to introduce yourself and not to promote your offers. This is all about YOU as a person, a leader and what is it you'd want to be known for or as. Let's celebrate YOU!
New comment 6d ago
👋 Introduce yourself right here!
1 like • Dec '23
@Kassy Pajarillo I'm doing the outline this week and will start writing next week.
1 like • Dec '23
@Kassy Pajarillo Firsst chapter, Dec. 27. I have to provision for holiday interruption. haha
First pass
Hi Kassy, Am finding that I need time to figure out Canva and other new things prior to the launch originally targeted for Dec. 15. Making the launch Dec. 20 so I more people see the posts and ad? Here is the link to what am posting in LinkedIn. Here is the text to accompany the image. 🚀 Elevate Your Leadership: Unleash the Strategic Manager Within! 🌟 Attention Managers of Engineers! Ever find yourself drowning in the day-to-day, losing sight of the strategic helm? If managing projects feels like a constant firefight, it's time to shift gears. Let's break the cycle of tactical overwhelm together. Ready to lead with clarity, confidence, and purpose? Your transformation starts here! Join our FREE training and discover the proven strategies to transform from an overwhelmed leader to a thriving, strategic powerhouse. 🚀🌐 #LeadershipExcellence #ThrivingManagers #FreeTraining
New comment Dec '23
1 like • Dec '23
Hi just chiming in. Just a greeting. @Noelle Protasio nice bumping into you here. :) @Kassy Pajarillo - Noelle and I are old friends/college classmates. :)
1-5 of 5
Cora Llamas
10points to level up
Writer, communicator, content strategist becoming serious about building other sources of income (beyond the usual hustle and grind)

Active 129d ago
Joined Nov 17, 2023
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