👋 Introduce yourself right here!
This is the introductions thread. Say hi, tell us where you’re from and what your course, membership or group coaching program is all about!
In your introduction, answer these 4 questions:
➡️ What is your name (feel free to share pronouns if you’d like)? Your nickname is fine!
➡️ What is your course, group coaching program or membership is all about?
➡️ Why did you choose to have this kind of offer? We'd love to learn your story.
➡️ Tell us something fun: What is your favorite thing to do outside your business? (read personal development books, do yoga 3-5x a week, triathlete etc)
We can’t wait to meet you!
P.S Remember, you're here to introduce yourself and not to promote your offers. This is all about YOU as a person, a leader and what is it you'd want to be known for or as. Let's celebrate YOU!
Kassy Pajarillo
👋 Introduce yourself right here!
Driven & Ambitious Creators
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