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Driven & Ambitious Creators

Public β€’ 132 β€’ $20/m

22 contributions to Driven & Ambitious Creators
Offer creation challenge
it’s been a hot minute, everyone! How are you coming along with your endeavor? Well, we’re brewing something on the backend to which I’d love your thoughts to co-create together. What type of course/program do you currently have or would want to have and scale this 2024? We’ll be having all the details released soon!
2 members have voted
New comment Apr 25
1 like β€’ Apr 25
Market research seems to indicate P100-150K over 6 months is already a stretch for those I spoke with.
Milestone Call
Hi Kassy, I've cleaned up the 207 leads from the Ads. After taking out those who signed up more than once and those with suspicious-looking email adddresses and incomplete Names, I am now left with 114 filtered leads, or 55% of original leads. Planning to send them a Thank You Note (see attached file) first, followed by the Opt In email to sign up for the Complementary Coaching (see attached, not sure if this is a correct Opt in???) and a third email to invite to the Webinar. Wondering if you are free for a 30 minute call from 1pm to 3:30pm? Thanks!
New comment Feb 19
A Lead signed up on Calendly to explore desire for coaching
@Kassy! Gasp! was slogging through my Opt-In page when I noticed a new entry in my Google Calendar. One of the leads (ended with 208) actually signed up for a convo at 1:30 -2:00 pm. So excited! Am thinking of asking the following questions. 1. Tell me a bit about yourself. Where did you see the ad? FB?IG?
New comment Feb 5
0 likes β€’ Feb 3
Got stuck with learning Kartra so I can integrate my leads and generate the opt-in page. For next week, even if I don't have the Kartra asset yet, I will send personalized emails to all the leads na muna to welcome, thank them and give them something (already have content on the benefits of coaching for middle managers like Construction Managers and Property Managers) to nurture the relationship.
1 like β€’ Feb 5
Oh thanks! :)
Philippines is not included in the dropdown menu for Stripe
Hi Kassy! The Phils is not in the drop down menu of Stripe? was trying to integrate my G Calendar, Zoom and Stripe - Stripe said I needed to create an account with them -but the Phils is not a choice? Should I just use Paypal?
New comment Jan 28
Found where the Leads are
Hi Kassy! Fell off my chair - have 107 leads na from the ads! 10 were added since I turned off laptop last night. btw, found where they are - it's in Leads Center under All Tools. If you google though, the first 2 would say look for it in Results under Campaign. Guess, FB changed stuff around.
New comment Jan 27
0 likes β€’ Jan 27
My shyness about being seen vanished! Bahala na si Batman hahaha. Need another referral though for Branding - need better pictures and/or headshots, help in deciding logos, brand colors, fonts, color of my clothes for the headshots, etc. Blessy has not been on Telegram since the 17th. Thanks thanks!
0 likes β€’ Jan 27
Ads ended Jan. 26. Ended with 207 leads! Now learning how to put the Leads in the Squeeze page in Kartra and get them to be on the Opt In page.
1-10 of 22
Noelle Protasio
39points to level up
I'm an Executive Coach and a Performance Coach who wants to expand my business so it has consistent 10X revenues.

Active 74d ago
Joined Nov 7, 2023
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