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Take Control Mastermind

Public • 36 • $6/m

23 contributions to Take Control Mastermind
How do you prioritize recovery when you are running 100 mile weeks ? There are a lot of people that get injured when they try to put themselves through this strain, and I know you have done a good job managing the work load. Any tips or tricks are appreciated thank you bro.
New comment Aug 10
Personal Record
Half marathon time: 1:27:56 We did it today! All of the hard work paid off and I proved myself right once again. All the late nights spent at the track, the daily miles logged, and the sweat equity all contributed to today’s success. Through this prep I realized it was better to over prepare, and go all in rather than under prepare and get a subpar result. The daily consistency compounds, and if you are willing to show up everyday and execute with intention the result will materialize through the effort put in. I could not thank my brother Nathan enough for being my coach, and helping pave the way to victory. He was there for me every step of the way and developed a plan that would prepare me for the race. Every question I had he answered within minutes, and he tailored the program to accommodate me and my goals. Going into this I set a massive goal to shave 25 minutes off my half marathon time, and Nathan believed in my ambition. He didn’t shoot down my goal, he instead went to the drawing board to build a plan that was sufficient and comprehensive towards the objective. This by no means was easy, and took extreme commitment but Nathan made it easy by allowing me to never have to think about the plan, nutrition, and game plan for execution. I seriously couldn’t have done it without you bro and I appreciate your extreme attention to detail to ensure a successful result. I am beyond proud of myself for staying true to the goal, and never letting it slip out of my reach despite all the curveballs life threw at me during the last few months. It’s about adapting and overcoming, and today’s race was a sheer test of my resilience and will power. Never did I ever think I would be running sub 1:30 half, as I always classified myself as slow. Nathan you believed in me, and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to pace me today. This is only the beginning, I have some massive goals for the next prep and I can’t wait to work with Nathan again to accomplish another PR. It was truly a pleasure working with you, I’m so excited to see what the future holds.
New comment Jun 16
Personal Record
Social media win
After months of being stagnate, I finally had a “viral” video. This a massive win in my eyes and motivates me even more to continue with consistent posting. Over the last 2 months I took a step back to hone in on my editing and filming skills. I lacked confidence in my content and felt it needed major improvements. I decided that the best way to do this was learning Davinci Resolve. In this journey I have learned so much, and have been rewarded by all the hard work by finally feeling confident in the product that I produce. The content is far from where I want it to be, but I have committed to getting better each and every day. I try to learn various techniques through YouTube, and implement my own style on them through my own creative process. There is nothing more rewarding then creating something you are proud of and having complete control over the project from shooting, to editing, sound design, and color grading. Davinci has allowed me to do all of these things, and refine my skills to be a better overall creator. If you are feeling intimidated by something, just go all in and commit fully and you will realize what you were afraid all along was actually the answer you were looking for. This shows that sometimes you have to take a few steps backwards to take a massive leap forward. Pushing hard for 10k followers, if you don’t follow me already check out my content @chrisw_fit.
New comment Jun 9
Social media win
Filming Tip
Keep Learning: Film editing is a constantly evolving art form, so never stop learning and experimenting with new techniques. This ultimately helped me find a style that I love and stick with. Also take into consideration certain angles. This can make your videos more interesting. - Wide Shot (WS): This shot captures the entire scene and provides context for the action. It's often used to establish the setting or location. - Medium Shot (MS): A medium shot frames the subject from the waist up and is commonly used for dialogue scenes or to show interactions between characters. - Close-Up (CU): A close-up shot focuses on a specific detail or part of the subject, such as a character's face or an object. It's used to emphasize emotions, reactions, or important details. - Extreme Close-Up (ECU): An extreme close-up shot magnifies a very small detail, such as an eye or a hand. It's often used for dramatic effect or to convey intense emotions. - Long Shot (LS): A long shot captures the subject from a distance, showing the full body and surrounding environment. It's commonly used for action scenes or to establish spatial relationships. Go out and experiment with your filming!!
New comment Jun 4
1 like • Jun 4
Love this Nate 🔥
Tapering down this week due to race day coming in the next few weeks. Today was a nice easy run for 7 miles. Super hot here in New Hampshire but we are getting through it. Also smashed a chest and tri workout before this. 🤘
New comment May 29
1-10 of 23
Christopher Wilkins
15points to level up

Active 40d ago
Joined May 5, 2024
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