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Elevation Empire

Public • 24 • Free

3 contributions to Elevation Empire
I was thinking of doing a 30 day challenge, here’s what it looks like… - 100% sober - No social media (only to network and for meetings) - Exercise 1 hour a day minimum (has to include 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 1 mile run minimum) - Work 8 hours a day minimum (mentally, spiritually, physically, financially) - Read 1 chapter of the Bible every day minimum - Pray 10 minutes every day minimum - Attend church every Sunday - Set time aside for family/loved ones every day - No cheap dopamine hits - Wake up before 6am on weekdays - Wake up before 8am on weekends - No fake foods/deserts, healthy foods only - Set minimum 5 goals that must be completed every day - Develop a skill you’ve always wanted to have - No lust. In 30 days I’ll be… - 100% sober. - better at not relying on social media to pass time. - In the best shape of my life because I did 3,000+ push ups, 3,000 sit ups and ran over 30 miles. - in a much better position mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially. - more confident and no longer insecure. - closer to God and His word! - able to listen to God better and lean on His understanding. - surrounded by other believers that love me and Jesus. - the closest to my family that I’ve been in a while. - able to control myself better and not give into my fleshly desires. - proud of myself for not sleeping in and actually getting up in the morning. - healthier because I didn’t eat garbage. - more accomplished because I hit 150 goals this month. - someone who finally got that one skill down that I’ve always wanted to have. - someone who isn’t tempted by lust anymore.
New comment 18d ago
1 like • 19d
I know it's late but I'll jump on this! Starting right now 😅
1 like • 19d
Love to triple this and do it for 90 days?! Anyone game?
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New comment 2d ago
2 likes • Jul 25
- Chloe Coston - 20 years old - Help brands grow on Instagram. Heart of my business (Paravine Marketing) is spreading truth with everyone we interact with. Locally, nationally and globally. - Looking to achieve in the next two-three months) Starting & scaling a sales team within Paravine & launching in-person networking events for local business owners in Fort Myers, FL. - Overall goal) Seek 1st Kingdom. Love God, love people, make disciples who make disciples. Found that I especially love doing this in the marketplace. Want to build a business that I could step away from and leave a legacy for my children's children.   - Looking to connect with like minded business owners! See if there are ways we can help one another :)
I made the decision today to incorporate faith in every course in this community. At first I was going to keep it mostly business and mentality based but I asked myself what was more important, business first, or God first. My answer was very clear. As much as I love business and entrepreneurship, nothing comes before God and His word. I deleted the previous videos I made and changed some things in the courses because it didn't feel right in my spirit, I actually didn't like it at all. In this community I will be 100% transparent and honest with you guys because it's what you deserve. I never want to put anything out to the world where I would be misplacing someones step in their walk with Christ. Christ is king and nothing in this world is above the king of kings. So please bear with me as I re-do my content in the courses and in this community. I will do my best to make this the best, most engaged community out there. Lots of prayers for guidance and hard work will be implemented, thank you all and God bless!
New comment Jul 25
1 like • Jul 25
YES!!!! Keep pressing into the Spirit, man!
1-3 of 3
Chloe Coston
15points to level up
Daughter of the King. Normal is too boring. Impact Entrepreneur. International Business

Active 7d ago
Joined Jul 23, 2024
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