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I was thinking of doing a 30 day challenge, here’s what it looks like… - 100% sober - No social media (only to network and for meetings) - Exercise 1 hour a day minimum (has to include 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 1 mile run minimum) - Work 8 hours a day minimum (mentally, spiritually, physically, financially) - Read 1 chapter of the Bible every day minimum - Pray 10 minutes every day minimum - Attend church every Sunday - Set time aside for family/loved ones every day - No cheap dopamine hits - Wake up before 6am on weekdays - Wake up before 8am on weekends - No fake foods/deserts, healthy foods only - Set minimum 5 goals that must be completed every day - Develop a skill you’ve always wanted to have - No lust. In 30 days I’ll be… - 100% sober. - better at not relying on social media to pass time. - In the best shape of my life because I did 3,000+ push ups, 3,000 sit ups and ran over 30 miles. - in a much better position mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially. - more confident and no longer insecure. - closer to God and His word! - able to listen to God better and lean on His understanding. - surrounded by other believers that love me and Jesus. - the closest to my family that I’ve been in a while. - able to control myself better and not give into my fleshly desires. - proud of myself for not sleeping in and actually getting up in the morning. - healthier because I didn’t eat garbage. - more accomplished because I hit 150 goals this month. - someone who finally got that one skill down that I’ve always wanted to have. - someone who isn’t tempted by lust anymore.
New comment 18d ago
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Complete action
New comment 2d ago
FINALLY! The 'Mentally Shredded Course' is complete! This course consists of: - 11 videos all under 5 minutes - Learning how to gain full control of what you can control - Putting God in front of any decision you make - Understanding that theres a lesson in everything - Getting quite and slow in a world thats loud and fast - Learn to not overcomplicate, worry, and overthink - Arguing isn't worth your time, practice being the bigger person - The only person you should compare yourself to is who you were yesterday - God gave you a unique gift, use it and trust His plan Let me know honest feedback, I hope you guys enjoy, lets go 😤
New comment Jul 30
Galatians 5:24
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. This reminds me of Matthew 16:24-26 where Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Him. Jesus loves those who humble themselves and seek Him because the only way to the Father is through Him.
New comment 8m ago
Here are 5 things that have changed in my life since I gave my life to Jesus
1. I look forward to waking up every day. - I remember just a year and a half ago not wanting to wake up. Ever since giving my life to Christ I've been more thankful to be alive. 2. My heart has softened. - I used to be the guy to pre judge everyone, with Christ I have more sympathy for strangers, friends and family. 3. I don't look forward to partying. - For a couple years of my life I wasn't sober and was always looking for the next party. With Jesus I have control over other substances and I've come to realize how much he fulfills me versus what the world provides. 4. I'm surrounded by people who love me. - I've never felt more at accepted in my life. People who follow Jesus really follow His command which is to love one another. The people I am now surrounded by give me tough love as well which is a prime example of iron sharpening iron. 5. I have a purpose. - Following Jesus has given me my purpose in life. Thanksgiving 2021 I thought my life wasn't worth living. Because of Jesus I now know what I want to do with my life and I have a much better understanding of how I should live it. How has following Jesus changed your life?
New comment 23h ago
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