Thank you so much everyone for sharing your experiences and for offering helpful tips to the group! My Day 1 went very well. I did feel more tired than usual, but that is to be expected as the body detoxes. The only craving I had was wanting to eat some fresh blueberries I saw in the fridge, but I resisted.😇 I consumed all 3 of my 32 oz juices, had 16 oz. of vegetable broth and plenty of water. I lost count the number of times I went to the bathroom. 😂 Today I'm feeling relaxed, lighter and I feel like I have more mental clarity. Even though I've done the juice cleanse several times, I still learn new things about myself and the cleanse every single time. One thing I realized is how much time I save while on the cleanse because I don't have to figure out what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also wasn't running to the pantry every hour for a snack so I was able to focus on other things. Needless to say I got a ton of work done yesterday. 🙌 Here are a few tips for Day 2 and Day 3: 1. Modify the cleanse if needed. The first two times I tried to do a juice cleanse were failed attempts. I didn't make it past Day 2. If you need to modify the cleanse by adding a protein shake or smoothie, please do so. Especially if this is your first time doing a cleanse and/or you have a job that is strenuous. No need to stress yourself out. The cleanse is supposed to be a fun process. 2. Make sure you are drinking enough juice and fluids. Some of our members expressed that they were hungry and experienced headaches. This just means that not enough juice or water is being consumed. Every time you get hungry, drink. Your body needs nutrients and hydration. You don't want to feel deprived, this is a cleanse of abundance! 3. Prioritize rest and be gentle with yourself. Doing this cleanse can be tiring as your body detoxes. Allow yourself time to rest, whether it’s taking a nap, meditating, or going to bed earlier than usual. Try a relaxing bath, stretching/yoga to connect with your body and mind. Remember, the cleanse is just as mental (and spiritual) as it is physical.