Breakdown of the Networking Event Funnel
The networking event funnel idea we use when describing different types of events is analogous to a sales funnel. The components of the funnel are: - MOA lead list (1000+ high status girls & guys) - Events with a massive value offering - Fun, cool container events - Meets with friends and close contacts The flow of leads through the funnel is: 1. Invite cold and warm leads to top of funnel events (those with a massive value offering - e.g. List parties, charity galas, competitions, photoshoots, theme parties). People who don't yet know you will be attending purely because of the huge amounts of value offered by the events 2. Cold leads who attend become warm leads. Warm leads should be invited both in person, and over IG to middle of funnel events (those which are fun, cool container events - could be anything fun and cool to do in your area) 3. Those who are now middle of funnel should be invited to bottom of funnel events - game / movie nights at your place, etc. Again, invites are done in person and over IG Like all good analogies, this doesn't cover every single case. You will find people who will jump straight to various parts of the funnel without needing the huge value giving events at the top, but it is generally the process you should be following to build relationships and create the network you desire