I got a tongue scraper over the summer and it's been incredible. A lot of bacteria builds up on our tongue and it's been a game changer. Before I go out I brush, floss, tongue scrap and chew gum and I've had zero issues with bad breath.
I am already so old and poor that trying to become a man of high status is just way too exhausting for any attempt on my part as I am already tired just putting up with life PERIOD. And any potential "juice" is really not worth the squeeze on my end.
Fulfillment comes from progress, brother. Small steps and actions taken daily will give you a new sense of pride and confidence, regardless of the goal/direction//result.
Mere exposure is king. Adding up small touches with the same people over time builds trust and familiarity better than any lines, routines or anything else. Start going out more and seeing people again and again.