Genetic screening for psychotic girlfriends
Watching a great interview Michael did with Kashif Khan and I am taking notes here... They will be stream of thought...
They are covering a TON of topics around health and genetics and psychology.
One of the things that I found interesting was the reference of the importance of structured water.
A topic I can talk about for hours. In short, water molecules cluster together in different sizes and different shapes. This changes how it interacts with our bodies and can be modified in many different ways to achieve different results.
The easiest thing you can do is to drink spring water from glass bottles.
Castle Rock and Starky have the two best structures for anyone with health issues as for what is available in glass bottles. Arrowhead has great structure but comes in plastic. (A trip to the hot springs is great though).
If you are looking for a few books to read on the memory of water Dr. Emoto has written many books on the subject.
If anyone wants me to throw out my designs for a water filtration system to remove 99.9% of the estrogen and chloramine and pesticides from your tap water I'll throw them on here for free it's easy to build. You can also have a plumber clean and sanitize your house water pipes and install a system for your home that removes 98%.
They also talked about genetics and behavior, from genes tied to dopamine levels and life styles along with genes tied to believing in placebo effects.
I wonder... Are there a set of a handful of genes that can give you a general ball park idea of the foundation of a "good girl"?
I heard a neurologist on a podcast talk about how he was looking at his daughter's boyfriends brains and would not let her marry anyone that did not have certain structures tied to pair bonding. So perhaps this could be a GIANT opportunity...
Genetic testing services for dating (would be legal nightmare for hiring people IMO)
You can ask your daughters to ask potential husbands (because they should have boyfriends ever until they get married) to take a swab...
Ask the girl you have been seeing to take a swab test after she asks the question.
Dating sites that require genetic testing to be verified so you are getting quality matches that match your genetically predisposed behaviors... Or dudes just pay to get access to the not crazy chicks lol...
Even if it isn't a 100% accurate science , but just 50%, the impact of this tech would be profound...
Michael talks about how he has an autoimmune disease potentially from serving in the Air Force.
He takes his medication way less than the doctors prescribe because he changed his lifestyles and diet to reduce inflammation.
I would like to suggest to him and everyone else here to look into Himalayan Shilajit.
The fulvic acid and other compound in there help you absorb more nutrition from our depleted food, it binds to toxins chelating them rendering them less harmful, and helps remove them from the body, and helps reduce inflammation...
Take WAY more than the recommended dose and make sure it is Himalayan not Siberian.
When I was having SERIOUS health issues I took 1-2 grams a day and would feel like $1M all day and over time healed my gut.
Alexander the Great was bitten by a rattle snake and Shialjit was used as anti venom (supposedly speaking of legal reasons).
I have seen un peer reviewed studies from Russia that found +4 grams a day(unspecified bodyweight) have similar results to certain anabolic steroids, however it makes you go full raid rage over 5 grams (@115lbs bodyweight) IMO and thus is too much to function with people below 120 IQ...
I gave 200 grams to a friend and he lost 35lbs in 3 months ( about 2 grams a day) just doing cardio and looked great.
The freedom to exist
Society is becoming so centralized that anything that challenges the status quo is being censored to such a degree that just being and existing as an example as something that is contrary to the mainstream narrative is deemed wrong or bad or ignored.
Kyle Mullaney
Genetic screening for psychotic girlfriends
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