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Owned by Ben Grant

Fortune Frequency Forum

Private • 426 • Free

Find your fortune in health, wealth, love & more with healing frequencies, guided meditations, binaural beats & affirmations for conscious creation!

Skool For Coaches

Public • 4 • $49/m

Refine your coaching niche and start making more money today. Tips, tricks, hacks and motivated daily actionable tasks = $$$$$


The Skool Games

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Skool Community

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Public • 37 • Free

16 contributions to Skool For Coaches
Who do you help do what?
Who do you help do what? One of my clients just emailed me asking for help with her description of what her coaching offer is, and if it could be refined at all. It DEFINITELY could be refined. It was very unclear what the singular offer was that my client offered; far too much description of method and far too little focus on WHO she HELPS do WHAT? So I offered my thoughts and also sent her back part of the worksheet which helps members get clarity on the transformation they offer (you can get the whole worksheet in the 'What's your niche?' section HERE). Maybe it can help you too? Here it is... "I help............................................................................................................................................. (THE TYPE OF MEMBER/CLIENT YOU RESONATE MOST WITH, WHO MAY OR MAY NOT BE A PREVIOUS VERSION OF YOURSELF) to solve the problem of................................................................................................................. (THE PROBLEM WHICH IS THE SAME OR RELATED TO A MAJOR CHALLENGE YOU HAVE OVERCOME)… by acknowledging their pain points of...(PAIN POINTS/OBSTACLES)…................................. and using my personal talents, skills, experience and passions of…..................................... (YOUR TALENTS/EXPERIENCE ETC—AS RELATE TO THE PROBLEM YOU SOLVE…) to empower their transformation from..................................................................................... A) (DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL MEMBER/CLIENT’S STATE ‘BEFORE’ TRANSFORMATION) to...................................................................................................................................................... B) (DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL MEMBER/CLIENT’S STATE ‘AFTER’ TRANSFORMATION)" Then see if you can distill your answer further into one succinct sentence. Who do you help do what? In once sentence.
Who do you help do what?
Corrie's 'EmpowerHer' group is LIVE NOW!!
Huge congratulations @Corrie Bignell for launching your group just now!! What a wonderful way to start the year, by connecting with more women who will benefit so much from your unique style of coaching and all your energy. Thank you too for being my first 'Skool For Coaches' protégé! I'm so excited to see your group growing (quickly already!) and how much fun you're going to have—while also attracting more and more clients. Go Corrie!! PS. If you're reading this and you haven't yet joined EmpowerHer then you can do so right now by clicking HERE
New comment 3d ago
Corrie's 'EmpowerHer' group is LIVE NOW!!
1 like • 3d
@Corrie Bignell You made your group look amazing and punching with transformative power too! Thank you for trusting me (again!) You're going to have so much fun and help so many people. Love your work, Six Million Dollar Corrie!
0 likes • 3d
Welcome Deb!
Welcome to Skool For Coaches @Deb Ottenbreit Would you like to share one line (or two) about what your niche coaching is, who you help and/or what transformation your coaching offers them? And anything else you feel like contributing to our very young community chat!
Who do you love on Skool?
The first day of a new year (here in Australia right now) is as good a time as any to think about who you love. But not in the romantic love way (though that is great!), in the service to ALL way. Found these scribbled notes as I was cleaning up today and thought it might be of value to share. When starting or growing your Skool group it can be a big help to focus on who you can relate to, who you have easy empathy for and who you can see yourself in as well; maybe because you have made a transformation your members or prospective members are making or about to make, or maybe because you identify with certain qualities or characteristics. If you can't read my handwriting here are the points in my pic: 1) Find a group of people you love and want to serve 2) Do whatever you can to serve them as much as possible For me, my first thoughts were...I love people who: - are through playing the victim in life - are helping themselves - are open to trying new things - value meditation or are learning to - are open to change And of course this can all be refined, and may change and evolve. But it starts with love. What do you love? Who do you love? How do you love to serve? Happy 2025!
New comment 4d ago
Who do you love on Skool?
1 like • 4d
@Corrie Bignell I love your dedication to health and fitness and being your best in every way, and how you inspire women (and men) to take action to better themselves. I love watching you serve more and more women, leading by example always. And I love your gif game.
1 like • 4d
@Corrie Bignell can. do. this. all. day. (But please don't make me—😆)
URLs are forever (but your name can change anytime)
When choosing your name for your group or community remember you can only change the url once. You can change the name of your group as often as you like but the url will be constant, after the single change you are permitted. So it is probably a good idea to choose a url which is short and allows room to pivot should the nature of your group or community evolve over time—and you may wish to change the name of your group or community. As a coach you could simply choose to use your name, or some version of it (eg bengrantmitchell could be bencoach etc..) for the url and make the group name something else entirely like 'Grant Empowerment'.
URLs are forever (but your name can change anytime)
1-10 of 16
Ben Grant Mitchell
24points to level up
Helping you level up any area of your life—health, wealth, love, career—with healing frequencies, binaural beats and custom written affirmations.

Active 3h ago
Joined Dec 21, 2024
Byron Bay, Australia
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