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Q & A/Webinar is happening in 3 days
Corrie's 'EmpowerHer' group is LIVE NOW!!
Huge congratulations @Corrie Bignell for launching your group just now!! What a wonderful way to start the year, by connecting with more women who will benefit so much from your unique style of coaching and all your energy. Thank you too for being my first 'Skool For Coaches' protégé! I'm so excited to see your group growing (quickly already!) and how much fun you're going to have—while also attracting more and more clients. Go Corrie!! PS. If you're reading this and you haven't yet joined EmpowerHer then you can do so right now by clicking HERE
New comment 3d ago
Corrie's 'EmpowerHer' group is LIVE NOW!!
Welcome Deb!
Welcome to Skool For Coaches @Deb Ottenbreit Would you like to share one line (or two) about what your niche coaching is, who you help and/or what transformation your coaching offers them? And anything else you feel like contributing to our very young community chat!
Who do you love on Skool?
The first day of a new year (here in Australia right now) is as good a time as any to think about who you love. But not in the romantic love way (though that is great!), in the service to ALL way. Found these scribbled notes as I was cleaning up today and thought it might be of value to share. When starting or growing your Skool group it can be a big help to focus on who you can relate to, who you have easy empathy for and who you can see yourself in as well; maybe because you have made a transformation your members or prospective members are making or about to make, or maybe because you identify with certain qualities or characteristics. If you can't read my handwriting here are the points in my pic: 1) Find a group of people you love and want to serve 2) Do whatever you can to serve them as much as possible For me, my first thoughts were...I love people who: - are through playing the victim in life - are helping themselves - are open to trying new things - value meditation or are learning to - are open to change And of course this can all be refined, and may change and evolve. But it starts with love. What do you love? Who do you love? How do you love to serve? Happy 2025!
New comment 4d ago
Who do you love on Skool?
Join EmpowerHer for FREE (for a limited time)
Congratulations to @Corrie Bignell for going live with her NEW (and first) Skool group, EmpowerHer. You can join this woman-only group for inspiration and guidance on your total health and fitness journey, and to empower every aspect of your life here: PS. When you start a group like Corrie has done you can begin by offering free memberships (lifetime) and move to charging a monthly fee (from $1 to $999!) when you feel the time is right. This is a great way to create urgency, and get people to join while it is free but also have the flexibility to make it a paid group whenever you want to. This is a fantastic way to grow your coaching audience.
New comment 7d ago
Join EmpowerHer for FREE (for a limited time)
Simple, striking and says it all.
I LOVE your photo on EmpowerHer @Corrie Bignell Simple, striking and says it all! Nice one.
New comment 11d ago
Simple, striking and says it all.
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