Who do you help do what? One of my clients just emailed me asking for help with her description of what her coaching offer is, and if it could be refined at all. It DEFINITELY could be refined. It was very unclear what the singular offer was that my client offered; far too much description of method and far too little focus on WHO she HELPS do WHAT? So I offered my thoughts and also sent her back part of the worksheet which helps members get clarity on the transformation they offer (you can get the whole worksheet in the 'What's your niche?' section HERE). Maybe it can help you too? Here it is... "I help............................................................................................................................................. (THE TYPE OF MEMBER/CLIENT YOU RESONATE MOST WITH, WHO MAY OR MAY NOT BE A PREVIOUS VERSION OF YOURSELF) to solve the problem of................................................................................................................. (THE PROBLEM WHICH IS THE SAME OR RELATED TO A MAJOR CHALLENGE YOU HAVE OVERCOME)… by acknowledging their pain points of...(PAIN POINTS/OBSTACLES)…................................. and using my personal talents, skills, experience and passions of…..................................... (YOUR TALENTS/EXPERIENCE ETC—AS RELATE TO THE PROBLEM YOU SOLVE…) to empower their transformation from..................................................................................... A) (DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL MEMBER/CLIENT’S STATE ‘BEFORE’ TRANSFORMATION) to...................................................................................................................................................... B) (DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL MEMBER/CLIENT’S STATE ‘AFTER’ TRANSFORMATION)" Then see if you can distill your answer further into one succinct sentence. Who do you help do what? In once sentence.