January Fitness Challenge kicks off—let’s crush it together! 💥
Today we start our January Fitness Challenge! Every day: Commit to at least 15 minutes of fitness, walk, run, yoga, strength train, swim etc Every Other Day: Push-Ups! Whether it’s 1 or 50, start where you are and aim to improve throughout the month. Modify as needed (knees, incline, or wall push-ups). FUN FACT A good way to build your push up strength is by doing planks. Pushups are essentially just a moving plank! And a natural, free boob lifter! Stay accountable by posting your daily fitness in the group. Your posts will inspire others! I have included a daily workout tracker below ✔️ Print it off ✔️ Post it on your fridge or where ever you will see it often ✔️ If you haven't already take the 6 Steps to UnF*ck Your Life Course! YOU"VE GOT THIS GIRL! AND YOU ARE WORTH IT! 🔥