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57 contributions to Skool Community
Skool Doesn’t Have Days Off But Do You?👨‍🏫 👩‍🏫
It’s Friday do you shut it off for the weekend or push through all 7 days? 🧐 Success doesn’t come to those who take it easy, but it’s also important to recharge and shut it off. How do you balance the grind with rest? Do you hustle through the weekend or give yourself time to reset? Drop what you personally do in the comments below!👇#NoDaysOff #FindYourBalance
New comment 2h ago
Skool Doesn’t Have Days Off But Do You?👨‍🏫 👩‍🏫
2 likes • 2d
I meditate in the morning and contemplate at night. This helps keep me in balance. It's never a grind if you love what you do. I've not felt the need to take a holiday for years now. I just created a life I didn't want to escape from. 😉🤗🥰
Ability to repeat by week day per month in calendar
For challenges and classroom content etc it would be amazing to be able to have a calendar event repeat on a specific date of every month, like the first, 11th, or 23rd of every month… Or even better, the first Monday of the month every month, so this way we don’t have to fuck around with copy and pasting every month, this would be helpful with call scheduling as well if you don’t offer weekly calls but wanted to do the 1st and third Monday etc.
New comment 2d ago
Ability to repeat by week day per month in calendar
This is a brilliant idea! 👏🏼🙌🏼🥰
What is your current bottleneck?
👇🏻 What’s stopping you from taking the next step in your biz? Something about your offer? Figuring out your ideal client? Fear or overwhelm, mindfuckery I like to call it 🤪 Finding more eyeballs to see your page? Deciding what to put in your classroom? Growing engagement in your community? Burnout and not having fun? Entrepreneurship is one of the quickest ways to flesh out inner work that creates mindfuckery, and prevents you from taking that next step if you let it. Sometimes, just laying out what’s going on is enough to make room for you to actually take the next step, and if it’s not enough, laying out your blocks here means any number of mind humans will share what has helped them with that particular issue and it might help you! That’s the beauty of this space, you don’t have to do it alone, and having others that come alongside you oftentimes is just what’s needed to ditch the mindfuckery and take that scary, messy action you need!
New comment 2h ago
What is your current bottleneck?
I've started using the Task app. It's great, because I usually start with the desired outcome and reverse engineer all the steps I need to take to get me there, and Task lists put the first thing you write at the bottom and the last thing you write at the top. I also like that you can have sub task lists within each task, which (weirdly) lists these in order of writing them down. This little app has been a game changer for me structuring what comes next. 🙌🏼☺️🥰
Do you host and/or attend live calls?
👇🏻 Do share below, do you host them? Do you join in group calls if you are in a community that has them? If you don’t, you might be shooting yourself in the foot, no joke. 🔮 Masterminds and zoom/meet calls are where the magic happens, regardless of if there is a plan or it’s just hanging out… often times the loosey goosy calls are the ones that are the most fruitful. Calls foster community, you get to know the peeps in the community, and it doesn’t matter if you’re new or old hat at biz, everyone has something to contribute and will get take aways. 🌈 This is where the creative juices start flowing and fuel is poured onto that spark to turn it into a roaring flame. 👇🏻 So, tell me again why you aren’t doing calls or joining in them if you are in a space that offers them?! If you have been running calls and joining others calls, drop what the best thing is about them 👇🏻
New comment 3d ago
Do you host and/or attend live calls?
2 likes • 4d
It's so weird that you'd post this. Only yesterday I polled my members asking if they preferred Zoom or Meet for group calls. Once I rejig my group, I intend to host monthly group calls to see where everyone is at. I think it will foster cohesiveness and generate a real feeling of community. 🙌🏼🤗🥰
2 likes • 4d
@Sarah Hankins Zoom.
Take a snapshot now of your community…
Plus one of your biz goal list for the coming months/year. Why?! Cause you might just surprise yourself… It’s easy to lose sight of things when you are in the thick of things, especially when you are sowing seeds, tending, weeding out the mindfuckery… Going through the lulls between when you sow seeds and when the first sprout pops through the soil and then the next lull while you continue to work/tend/weed, before the harvest starts snowballing. If you take snapshots (or write down where you are etc) on a fairly regular basis, then when the ish comes creeping in about You should be further along Things aren’t going right You’ll never make your goals Things will always be this way You have something to look back on and go, huh, I am making progress even though it doesn’t feel like it. For all of you parents, or if you aren’t a parent, remember when you would see friends or relatives as a kid and they always exclaimed about how much you had grown since they last saw you etc? It’s like that, when we are around our kids all the time it’s easy to not notice the small changes and growth that is happening, where it becomes incredibly apparent to those that haven’t been in the thick of it. 👇🏻 so, are you going to take a “snapshot” or if you have already done this, share how it has impacted you! Photo of what hubs wrote down a year ago when I was sharing what I wanted to do… I totally forgot about it but he found it a few days ago! I have done what I set out to and a lot more 🤪 and can’t wait to see where things are a year from now!
New comment 2d ago
Take a snapshot now of your community…
5 likes • 5d
Forget a months or year goal. My goal is for the next two weeks. 1. Finish the book I'm working on, then turn it into a course for the classroom. 2. Rejig the group based on your advice. I've already got the questions set up when people join. Next, I'll set up a Start Here post that I'll pin to the top of the feed. Then, I'll change the auto DM to suggest they download the app and directing them to the Start Here pinned post. 3. I really need to go through all the articles in the Skool help desk. I keep reading other people's post and thinking, "I didn't know I could do that..?" 🤔🤦🏻‍♀️😂 I've included two snapshots.
3 likes • 5d
Shit quality on the picture of my laptop screen, but I prefer how it looks online to how it looks in the app. 😂
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Aunty Establishment
292points to level up
Question everything and do your own research.

Active 1h ago
Joined Aug 9, 2024
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