Take a snapshot now of your community…
Plus one of your biz goal list for the coming months/year.
Why?! Cause you might just surprise yourself…
It’s easy to lose sight of things when you are in the thick of things, especially when you are sowing seeds, tending, weeding out the mindfuckery…
Going through the lulls between when you sow seeds and when the first sprout pops through the soil and then the next lull while you continue to work/tend/weed, before the harvest starts snowballing.
If you take snapshots (or write down where you are etc) on a fairly regular basis, then when the ish comes creeping in about
You should be further along
Things aren’t going right
You’ll never make your goals
Things will always be this way
You have something to look back on and go, huh, I am making progress even though it doesn’t feel like it.
For all of you parents, or if you aren’t a parent, remember when you would see friends or relatives as a kid and they always exclaimed about how much you had grown since they last saw you etc?
It’s like that, when we are around our kids all the time it’s easy to not notice the small changes and growth that is happening, where it becomes incredibly apparent to those that haven’t been in the thick of it.
👇🏻 so, are you going to take a “snapshot” or if you have already done this, share how it has impacted you!
Photo of what hubs wrote down a year ago when I was sharing what I wanted to do… I totally forgot about it but he found it a few days ago! I have done what I set out to and a lot more 🤪 and can’t wait to see where things are a year from now!
Sarah Hankins
Take a snapshot now of your community…
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