6d ago (edited) in Strategy
Do you host and/or attend live calls?
👇🏻 Do share below, do you host them? Do you join in group calls if you are in a community that has them?
If you don’t, you might be shooting yourself in the foot, no joke.
🔮 Masterminds and zoom/meet calls are where the magic happens, regardless of if there is a plan or it’s just hanging out… often times the loosey goosy calls are the ones that are the most fruitful.
Calls foster community, you get to know the peeps in the community, and it doesn’t matter if you’re new or old hat at biz, everyone has something to contribute and will get take aways.
🌈 This is where the creative juices start flowing and fuel is poured onto that spark to turn it into a roaring flame.
👇🏻 So, tell me again why you aren’t doing calls or joining in them if you are in a space that offers them?!
If you have been running calls and joining others calls, drop what the best thing is about them 👇🏻
Sarah Hankins
Do you host and/or attend live calls?
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