You're not successful because you're not consistent
Controversial, sure. But if you subscribe to our Thriving Teacherpreneur newsletter, you got the message today. Here's a snippet: "Every January, people make new goals. We’re here to say that making goals is a waste of time. That might sound strange. However, we believe the process is more powerful than the goal. As you begin a new year and have new aspirations for your teaching business, don’t commit to goals. Instead, commit to the activities that will help you achieve them. Here’s an uncomfortable truth: you’re not where you want to be because you’re not consistent. Most people can’t do one thing over and over again. As teachers, we are creators. We are creatives. We thrive on creating new things constantly. And this kills businesses. A thriving business is based on doing one thing again and again and again. Consistently. Consistency isn’t sexy. But it’s necessary." Read the full newsletter here. Let us know what you think of this. Are you consistent? Are you striving to be more consistent?