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6 contributions to My Wellbeing Community
2 likes • 19d
@Heather Ray on a side note... do we really need a comment 'leader board'? Lol. Kristin Mahler and Noah Cogan, you're on!
1 like • 14d
@Kristin Mahler 😁
How do you start your day?
Morning beautiful Souls… I’ve have some time in creation the last few weeks and soooo excited to share it with you …. (Big reveal coming this week 🥳) Now I’ve managed to beat my kids to the morning chorus so am up, caffeinated, read, journaled and ready to rock… What’s your morning routine?
New comment 23d ago
How do you start your day?
3 likes • 25d
I'm currently getting certified in hypno-therapy/NLP - it's basically a structured meditative state where we make suggestions/get immersed in visualizations. It's stuff I (and I'm sure YOU) have been doing for years, but the process has segments that somebody labeled, ha. I've been finding random things on youtube depending on beliefs I'm exploring. The Silva Method got me started some years back ... I love that we can reprogram our subconscious mind. So much fun. :)
0 likes • 23d
@Heather Ray currently Florida but moving soon'ish. How long will you be in the States for? And I would LOVE to make you one!
Roll this around in your mind.. it’s been spinning through mine all day. Coincidences are incidents that cooperatively come together… What do you reckon? 🙌
New comment May 5
2 likes • May 5
The way I see it (glad you asked, hehe) is that there are no coincidences, or everything is a coincidence. But I like what you're saying... which is more fun and playful.
I love being a beginner….
I absolutely love being a beginner when I find something I’m dedicated to. When you feel the call to mastery of an art form and decide you want to understand all there is to know about it… it’s a feeling of awe that spreads deep in my bones. I love that feeling. It’s divine to me. I feel like a child, gazing up at an immense statue. Or staring at a peak so far off that it feels almost impossible to get to, but you know that all you need to do is show up, enjoy the ride and keep pointing in the direction you want to go and eventually you’ll arrive. To me, there is so much joy in the discovery of each step, and the exploration of ideas like beautiful flowers along your path that you stop and admire. In Jiu jitsu there is a saying that a black belt is a white belt that never quits… kind of obvious but I think at times the climb stops us from starting. Looking at how far away a goal is stops us from starting and forgetting that the journey can be so pleasurable. I’m a beginner in jiu jitsu, I just started at the end of last year and I feel that the learning curve has impacted every area of my life, as though my brain has opened up to more learning, I’m in absorption mode and things that felt difficult and out of reach suddenly feel as easy as just turning up to training. We don’t need to do anything other than show up, and be in our state of appreciation to flow. I’d love your thoughts on being a beginner ❤️
New comment May 4
I love being a beginner….
4 likes • May 4
Love. I feel that beginner 'mind' is the ultimate awareness. I know nothing and therefore every moment is FRESH.
Vibrational Alignment
How do you get into vibrational alignment??
New comment Apr 27
2 likes • Apr 23
What exactly do you mean? Alignment with what? ❤️
3 likes • Apr 24
@Heather Ray well then... there's this really cool quote/meditation thingy I read in a Mooji book once: feel and say, 'I Am Here.'. Then drop the 'here'. Now say, 'I Am.'. Then drop the 'am'. Now, 'I'. Drop the 'I'.
1-6 of 6
Andrea Radi
29points to level up
Holistic Wellness Therapist. Non-duality, energy healing + subconscious mind work.

Active 14d ago
Joined Apr 19, 2024
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