## Today's Accomplishments ### 1. 🌅 Morning Productivity - 🍳 Healthy Breakfast: [Meal description] - [x] Morning Rountine: Clean Office, Emails - Doc Appointment for Mom ### 2. ✅ To-Dos & Completed Tasks - [Checkmate AI] - [X] [Update To-Dos] - [ ] [Clear Complete Task] - Daily To-Do Report: ### 3. 📚 Learning - 🔗 [How to build an AI agent for ONE task in less than 10 minutes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pYJSxTo04g) - 🔗 [8 Data Structures Every Programmer Should Know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxdQiBkidWk) - 🔗 [Never* use git pull](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN1-2p06Urc) - 🔗 [The 3 Laws of Writing Readable Code](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AzSRHiV9Cc) ### 4. 💻 Coding Progress - 🧠 Warm-up Exercise: In this challenge, you will create a series of functions that return Promises, simulating a multi-step process. You'll then chain these Promises together to execute the steps in sequence. This challenge builds on the previous day's introduction to Promises, focusing on the powerful concept of Promise chaining. - 🦺 Project: New Job 1st Day Briefing & design research, Decima-tech cleaning up data fetch queries. - 📝 Code Snippet: ```javascript return new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => { console.log("Step 3 before " + previousResult); resolve(previousResult + 1); reject("Error in step 3"); }, 1000) ); ``` ### 5. 🔄 Daily Reset - 🧘 Lazy day, smoke sesh and news ### 6. 🌤️ Afternoon Productivity - 🍱 Healthy Lunch: 2x Chicken Sandwich & fries - Taking care of mom & some house chores ### 7. 🤝 Community Support - 🔗 [Struggling with Promises?](https://www.skool.com/universityofcode/struggling-with-promises) ### 8. 📊 Progress Tracking - 🏫 [Day-50](https://www.skool.com/universityofcode/dev-100-day-50)