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Google Ads - Conversion Goals
Quick question re: Google ad conversion goal best practices. What do people generally use as a conversion goal (or goals) for best results? For context, I run a VSL funnel like this: - Opt In - VSL - Application - Book a Call I've historically run with primary conversion goals being opt ins and sales + secondary goals being applications and calls booked. I have significant conversions now on all conversion goals (over 1,500 applications, over 2,200 booked calls) and I'm wondering if switching to applications or booked calls as primary conversion goals would improve lead quality. @Brian Moncada
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
Hello @James Svetec , Apologize for the late response. There’s no clear definitive of what conversion goal sets to use. Some account managers like to optimize first for Optins when it’s a new account to get data traction coming in and we have seen great results in terms of cost per booked call as well as ROAS. At the same time, we have seen people just optimizing for booked calls and worked very well also. Typically, I like to set my conversion goals as a set of primary conversions I would like to optimize for. E.g. COLD Conversion goal -> optins + booked calls. OR optin + booked call + sales. Ultimately, you want to use the conversion goals to include conversion actions that matter to you the most. As for whether it is good to switch up, honestly, don’t touch what is working. I would suggest you duplicating the winning campaign and then changing the conversion goals to optimize for those new duplicated campaigns. After which, compare the performance and see which one delivers the higher ROAS. This would give you a much safer and systematic approach to testing it. Hope this helps!
Link Clicks vs Landing Page Views
Hey all - running a funnel now for a client and seeing huge discrepancies from link clicks to landing page views (as measured by Google Analytics) with only ~35% of ppl making it to the page. Has this happened to anybody else before and if yes any solutions? Maybe a problem with GA4 or any potential ways to diagnose this?
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
Hey @Justin Tan , Just sharing based on my experience. There can be two things but likely it will be the first. 1. Landing page loading speed resulting in high bounce rate 2. Bot clicks or just an issue with the landing page software count (have seen it on Clickfunnels recently. But it's fixed now) You can do a page load speed test using this or If it loads too long, it's natural that people bounce off. Hope this helps!
Call Book Rate
The funnel for the highticket offer I shared a couple days ago running on Facebook as a call book cost of about $70. With 30% been qualified. Is there anything I could do?
New comment Oct '23
0 likes • Oct '23
Hey @ToheeB Yusuf . Good to be seeing such low Cost per booked call! If you want to increase the qualified calls percentage, generally you just have to setup a filtering system during the application phase (if you have that in place). I know of clients getting $50 cost per booked call and it's without a filtering application form included in the funnel flow. Adding that in will get you higher cost per booked call. But like what @Onur Degirmenci spending higher on a qualified call is definitely not a bad thing.
Ads Campaign Win!
Turned YouTube Ads game around in the Education Seminar Niche. 🚀 CPA slashed from $134 to an astounding $52.76! 🕺🏻
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
Nice win here @Waqar Ahmed ! What did you do differently?
Can i create 2 google ad account under the same name, business...?
We are currently in a complicated situation with our google ads account. We are with the account deactivated because they have not yet verified the account (the delays and so on). We were investing in that account +270k per month (what a way google has to treat their customers...). So, we are already looking for alternatives, for example, using an old google ads account that we had in disuse. My intention is to advertise with the same domain and under the same company name. My question is: doesn't it violate google policies the fact that you have two accounts and advertise with the same name, Youtube channel, same domain? Because actually the account nº1 is not banned, it is just deactivated waiting for google verification.
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
Hello @Ayman Hafidi , yes you can. But my advice is not to. The verification review process is very fast. So if you have submitted already, just wait out a few days.
0 likes • Oct '23
That's weird. We have had a client's account pause due to verification as well but once we submitted it. It was reinstated in 2-3 days
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Alan Tarn
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Joined Jan 29, 2023
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