Give Yourself the Credit You Deserve! 🎉
I was pondering some interesting questions in the last few daysparticularly after Wendy's note on "settling" being the result of many small actions and choices. It hit me hard because in the last 24 months I kept settling on small things, not having the energy/ability to be my usual self. And this has been the cause of great frustration with myself. But then I started being curious instead of playing the blame game and wrote down a few things that I faced, survived, solved in the last 24 months. I created a sort of "done" list and that allowed to change the perspective. We (me in primis) often move through life at full speed, focusing on what’s left to do rather than celebrating what we’ve already accomplished. But here’s the truth: I am and you are achieving more than I/you realize. Every small action you take matters — from getting out of bed on tough days to showing up for others even when you’re tired. Too often, we diminish our achievements, lower our voice, and fail to recognize how far we’ve come. But you deserve to stand tall and own your story — not just the big milestones, but all the little wins that build the foundation of your journey. For example, just to prize a few... @Krista Brooks :you are aware of an issue and you are asking for help. @Emily La Fave :you are noticing some pretty incredible insight @Sally S : you are modeling freedom left right and center! @Jolene Goodson : you Lady, are amazing at recognizing the wins in others and you are an amazing cheerleader, even if sometimes you struggle to recognize your own greatness. @Valerie Kendall : the very Bestest Accountability Buddy and (Yes, bestest is an actual word, especially for teens) @Merridy Smits and @Michelle Wood : two fabulous leaders of Magic Hour. @Karen Jackson : Magic Hour Leaderboard Queen.