Vortex of Vitality Activation with Metatron's Cube ...Happening Now...!
Ready to get a surge of Cosmic Light ...to support you feeling invigorated and balanced...? Let's use our Vortex of Vitality to gain you a renewed physical vitality & a heightened state of energetic harmony!!
1st, click 'Like' to give me permission &
2nd state in the comments, "Metatron's Cube Activate my Body for Vitality, Boom Boom!" 💥💥
Next, Close your eyes and take in 4 Deep breaths for me to Anchor you in a specific way
  • I'll Light up a Vortex of Vitality on the Golden Grid of Grace for you and use Metatron's Cube to Re-Align, Re-Order + Re-Juvenate your body's energy centers and main 7D access points.
Christel Hughes
Vortex of Vitality Activation with Metatron's Cube ...Happening Now...!
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