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5th Dimensional Reiki

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84 contributions to 5th Dimensional Reiki
Anyone interested in a Magdalene manifestation card?
These are beautiful, the glyphs help us realign to our highest potential in our creations and I’d love to share with all you beautiful peeps - some come in pairs so you may even get 2 🥰
New comment 3m ago
Anyone interested in a Magdalene manifestation card?
4 likes • 3d
@Lesley Suthern Yes please for me too!
4 likes • 1d
@Lesley Suthern 💓Wow! Thank you Lesely✨
Sacred Soul Resurgence - Soul Discovery Series (Next Call: Mon. July 8th at 11am PT with Anne Deidre)
Catalytic energies are abounding right now! They're spurring the deep Soul Mastery and profound wisdom that we hold in our DNA and repressed cellular consciousness to the surface in a massive way... While this is extremely exciting and can incite massive creative flow, it can also be physically uncomfortable. Many are experiencing bizarre body symptoms, intense emotional waves, sometimes even feeling like 'am I losing my mind?' We're coming into a whole new way of Being and experiencing the World - it's uncharted territory. That's why we're bringing back our Soul Discovery Series - and it's kicking off soon! 1. Check out the schedule here: ** If you want to get emails for the calls you can scroll to the bottom and there's a place to sign up for all the notifications for the series! 2. Listen to the launch replay for all the logistics and summit details: 3. Set your intention for the resurgence of your Soul Mastery that you've developed and honed over many incarnations and dimensional experiences - Comment with it below and I'll infuse your intention with energetic support so you can be held int he realization of it throughout our series!
New comment 1h ago
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@Amanda Hopkins Thank you, Amanda for bringing this call today with Gene to all of us and for taking my question from the Q & A. Gene is always so profound and exudes a deep stillness - the energy seems to come down to us and it really did feel like we were co-creating on the call - just by being on it! Love the ripple effect and I feel it rippling out! I always feel as though healing beings are descending around me when he speaks. I actually spent a chunk of time a few years ago going through Robert Lawlor's book "Sacred Geometry, Philosophy and Practice" and drawing, as per his instructions, with a pencil and compass, and trying to put that into my work. Gene's take on manifesting the sacredness - into really anything - was so insightful. "you don't have to use the actual shapes" -..........
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@Amanda Hopkins 💓
TRIANGLE DIVINE 'Dimensional Attunements' ~ SERIES of 4 Calls ~
Claim your Intuitive Mastery and establish a Consistent Flow of Light through your ~Clairs with Increased Communication! Activate your Triangle Centers - the 4 main multi-dimensional parts of your human being that enable you to Master your intuition + keep them online and available for that reliable, unwavering flow of light and information! To do this we need to upgrade the chakras and surrounding organs that correlate to the Triangles. You'll use Metatron's cube to create a sustainable sub-structure for Dimensional expression of your Soul. We'll access the 3D - 5D - 6D - 7D levels which relate to your Triangle Centers of Intelligence. Check it out: We'll be Stabilizing the vibration of these 4 Triangle Centers by creating a 'vibrational nesting place' with the corresponding organs and chakras to support your Being Master Intuitive Human with Multi-Dimensional access: Triangle - Chakra - Body/Organ - Dimension ~SENTIENCE TRIANGLE (Clairsentience) - Solar Plexus chakra - Stomach, Gallbladder, Spleen, Liver - 3rd Dimension ~MATTER TRIANGLE (Clairaudience) - Throat chakra + Ear chakras - Thyroid, Mouth, Esophagus + Ears - 5th Dimension ~SPIRIT TRIANGLE (Clairvoyance) - Pineal + Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamus - 6th Dimension ~THOUGHT TRIANGLE (Claircognizance) - Cerebrum, Spinal Cord, Brain Stem - 7th Dimension The human mind won't easily "surrender" to Spirit, so we must upgrade = Higher multi dimensional Mind to Spirit resonance. We will prepare your energy body (corresponding chakra), physical body (corresponding organ) with the Triangle Center of Intelligence so that you are available and stable. Then the substructure is sound enough to "hold" you in a way that allows for you to 'play Celestial music together' with the Cosmic Light - you as a divine instrument and the Light playing through you...singing your Soul Song. Discover more:
New comment 2d ago
TRIANGLE DIVINE 'Dimensional Attunements' ~ SERIES of 4 Calls ~
5 likes • 12d
@Christel Hughes 💗
3 likes • 4d
Jeepers, I forgot there were more calls! lol
🌟 11-Day Cosmic Glow Up…REIKI RELAY! 🌈
Are you Ready? The 11-Day Cosmic Glow Up…REIKI RELAY! is happening on 6/4/24 -- Yay! We'll be Activating the Golden Grid of Grace to serve ALL beings in ALL realms to GLOW UP the Universe! What's in Store for You: - ~Golden Grid Activation: Experience the profound connection to the Golden Grid, unlocking the gateway to grace and divine light. - ~Amplify Your Intentions: Harness the magic of Reiki energy to magnify your personal vibrations and intentions. - ~Healing for All Realms: Join us in sending powerful healing energy to all beings across dimensions for the Highest Good. - ~Inclusive Community Energy: Whether you're a seasoned Reiki practitioner or new to the practice, your contribution and intention matter—everyone is welcome! - ~Daily Check-Ins: Stay accountable and connected through daily check-ins, fostering a supportive environment for your cosmic journey. By participating, you'll not only elevate your personal energy but contribute to a Global wave of healing & transformation. Let's unite and create a Luminous tapestry of Cosmic light together. The Cosmic journey begins on APRIL 24th in your own time zone. If you can do 11 minutes on the Golden Grid in a prayerful, meditative, singing, chanting and Reiki state of Illumination that would be Great! Everything is ready for you in the 'Classroom' tab, so go check it out. This link will take you straight to the 'classroom' area where I'm putting all the Reiki Relay! info: Please note: You don't need to know how to do Reiki!! Those in here who've not yet been attuned to Reiki could get energized while holding space and also helping with the intention, prayers, chanting, singing, etc. and Lighting up the Grid for the Highest Good of ALL. Embrace the magic, ignite the light within, and let's Glow Up together! I'm so grateful that we will Together gain all the benefits of Reiki amplified for 11 days and participate in sending a wave of Light to GLOW UP the Universe!!
New comment 15h ago
🌟 11-Day Cosmic Glow Up…REIKI RELAY! 🌈
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@Nick Stojanovski 😃😃☮️
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@Nick Stojanovski 😆😆bzzzzzzz............
Vortex of Vitality Activation with Metatron's Cube ...Happening Now...!
Ready to get a surge of Cosmic Light support you feeling invigorated and balanced...? Let's use our Vortex of Vitality to gain you a renewed physical vitality & a heightened state of energetic harmony!! 1st, click 'Like' to give me permission & 2nd state in the comments, "Metatron's Cube Activate my Body for Vitality, Boom Boom!" 💥💥 Next, Close your eyes and take in 4 Deep breaths for me to Anchor you in a specific way - I'll Light up a Vortex of Vitality on the Golden Grid of Grace for you and use Metatron's Cube to Re-Align, Re-Order + Re-Juvenate your body's energy centers and main 7D access points.
New comment 6h ago
Vortex of Vitality Activation with Metatron's Cube ...Happening Now...!
6 likes • 5d
"Metatron's Cube Activate my Body for Vitality, Boom Boom!" 💥💥Please and thank you!💗✨
6 likes • 5d
@Christel Hughes 🥰
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Margaret Embree
166points to level up
Hi I am an artist and am particularly interested in sound and elevating others through sound - singing, art.........and finding that peace within.

Active 2h ago
Joined Nov 12, 2023
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