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Created by Christel

5th Dimensional Reiki

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Forum for High Vibes ✨ We're talking REIKI with 💓 Love & Awareness + Practical Spirituality Stay for the ELEVATED convo 🚀 5D transformation 🦋


223 contributions to 5th Dimensional Reiki
For the love of humans helping animals
Lucky duck @Christel Hughes @Sadie Quinn @Theresa Needham
New comment 16h ago
4 likes • 2d
@Barry McCarthy Precious
1 like • 16h
@Barry McCarthy Awwww
Anyone interested in a Magdalene manifestation card?
These are beautiful, the glyphs help us realign to our highest potential in our creations and I’d love to share with all you beautiful peeps - some come in pairs so you may even get 2 🥰
New comment 1h ago
Anyone interested in a Magdalene manifestation card?
4 likes • 16h
I'm Excited!!! How Sweet, thank you 🙏
Heart of Light Blessing & Infusion
Amidst the demands of daily life, it's easy to forget the luminous essence within. It's time to re-ignite that spark within where your essence meets divine light in a harmonious dance of awakening. The Heart of Light Blessing & Infusion will awaken the luminous essence that resides within, allowing the brilliance of your inner light to shine brightly. If you'd like to receive this blessing, hit 'like' and state "Ignite my inner brilliance!" Your heart will be infused with luminous energy, igniting a glow that emanates from within. This infusion of light will help guide you on your journey, illuminating the path to greater joy, compassion, and connection. Feel the warmth and love as your heart expands, embracing the boundless possibilities that await. Awaken your Luminous Heart Now!
New comment 3h ago
Heart of Light Blessing & Infusion
1 like • 16h
"Ignite my inner brilliance!"
🌟 11-Day Cosmic Glow Up…REIKI RELAY! 🌈
Are you Ready? The 11-Day Cosmic Glow Up…REIKI RELAY! is happening on 6/4/24 -- Yay! We'll be Activating the Golden Grid of Grace to serve ALL beings in ALL realms to GLOW UP the Universe! What's in Store for You: - ~Golden Grid Activation: Experience the profound connection to the Golden Grid, unlocking the gateway to grace and divine light. - ~Amplify Your Intentions: Harness the magic of Reiki energy to magnify your personal vibrations and intentions. - ~Healing for All Realms: Join us in sending powerful healing energy to all beings across dimensions for the Highest Good. - ~Inclusive Community Energy: Whether you're a seasoned Reiki practitioner or new to the practice, your contribution and intention matter—everyone is welcome! - ~Daily Check-Ins: Stay accountable and connected through daily check-ins, fostering a supportive environment for your cosmic journey. By participating, you'll not only elevate your personal energy but contribute to a Global wave of healing & transformation. Let's unite and create a Luminous tapestry of Cosmic light together. The Cosmic journey begins on APRIL 24th in your own time zone. If you can do 11 minutes on the Golden Grid in a prayerful, meditative, singing, chanting and Reiki state of Illumination that would be Great! Everything is ready for you in the 'Classroom' tab, so go check it out. This link will take you straight to the 'classroom' area where I'm putting all the Reiki Relay! info: Please note: You don't need to know how to do Reiki!! Those in here who've not yet been attuned to Reiki could get energized while holding space and also helping with the intention, prayers, chanting, singing, etc. and Lighting up the Grid for the Highest Good of ALL. Embrace the magic, ignite the light within, and let's Glow Up together! I'm so grateful that we will Together gain all the benefits of Reiki amplified for 11 days and participate in sending a wave of Light to GLOW UP the Universe!!
New comment 16h ago
🌟 11-Day Cosmic Glow Up…REIKI RELAY! 🌈
2 likes • 2d
@Indira Katbamna Jai Ganesha!!! Lighting up the Golden Grid of Grace for support with clearing obstacles and anything on our path in the way of Enlightenment!!!
1 like • 16h
Aum Gam Ganapataye Namaha 11:11!!!
THE EMOTIONAL CORNER... Let's Get Emotional!!! 🤨😉😨🥰😵‍💫
IT'S TODAY!!! THE EMOTIONAL DETOX PARTY!!! FREE, LIVE event ~ Saturday, June 29th at 9am PT >> Bring all your emotions of anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame & despair to the party and... let them share with you their brilliant guidance & wisdom and... bye bye to the residue, cleared away in the purest light of the Great Central Sun!!! GAIN GREATER WELLBEING, INNER PEACE, INTUITIVE CLARITY & DIVINE CONNECTION! >> ~~~ Hello everyone, welcome to this new space, The Emotional Corner!! It's OK to get emotional, let's do it together!! And if the mere notion of 'getting emotional' makes you uncomfortable, rest assured: you're in the right place! 😁 As the 'expert in all things emotional' at the Academy for the Soul, I'm inspired to create this space to offer guidance, you can ask questions, we can all share good practices... In short, here we enjoy "emotional conversations", with compassionate care & mutual support 💖💞💓 The triple intention of the EMOTIONAL CORNER is to offer a safe, sacred space to ~ first 'de-dramatize' emotions (eventually, to befriend them!), ~ then empower ourselves in navigating our own emotionality, ~ ultimately, embrace our emotions for their true purpose: offering a highly personal guidance system that leads us through the ups & downs, unknowns & uncertainties of our life experiences ~ with Divine Wisdom as our compass!!
New comment 2d ago
THE EMOTIONAL CORNER... Let's Get Emotional!!! 🤨😉😨🥰😵‍💫
3 likes • 6d
@Sophie Bidard Thank you
2 likes • 2d
@Lesley Suthern I Receive, thank you 🙏
1-10 of 223
Multi-Sensory Intuitive, Visionary CEO + Creator of Academy for the Soul supporting you identifying, embracing + using your unique intuitive gifts ✨

Active 16h ago
Joined Nov 8, 2023
Orcas Island, WA
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