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5th Dimensional Reiki

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244 contributions to 5th Dimensional Reiki
for the Love of...CHANTING...
Let's begin our 11 days of Ganesha Chanting . July 1st start... Aum Gam Ganapataye Namaha! Any fellow chanters in here? What's your favorite chant of all times - right now? Who is your favorite artist chanter? I Love chanting -- it's changed my life for sure. It's such a beautiful and peaceful, inspiring and uplifting practice you can do anytime/anywhere. It instantly raises your vibration and your being responds so fast. You can pick a chant that has meaning for your situation to support you, for your body to become healthier, to turn back the clock and release karma and to open your intuition amongst so many more... Let's share...insights, blessings and inspire each other to use this vibrational attuning key to raise our vibes to 5D + Beyond!
New comment 13h ago
for the Love of...CHANTING...
5 likes โ€ข 5d
@Christel Hughes All aboard the Ganesha train ๐Ÿ˜
5 likes โ€ข 5d
@Sophie Bidard Day 1 ๐Ÿ˜ป
Vortex of Vitality Activation with Metatron's Cube ...Happening Now...!
Ready to get a surge of Cosmic Light support you feeling invigorated and balanced...? Let's use our Vortex of Vitality to gain you a renewed physical vitality & a heightened state of energetic harmony!! 1st, click 'Like' to give me permission & 2nd state in the comments, "Metatron's Cube Activate my Body for Vitality, Boom Boom!" ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ Next, Close your eyes and take in 4 Deep breaths for me to Anchor you in a specific way - I'll Light up a Vortex of Vitality on the Golden Grid of Grace for you and use Metatron's Cube to Re-Align, Re-Order + Re-Juvenate your body's energy centers and main 7D access points.
New comment 6h ago
Vortex of Vitality Activation with Metatron's Cube ...Happening Now...!
6 likes โ€ข 5d
"Metatron's Cube Activate my Body for Vitality, Boom Boom!"
๐ŸŒŸ 11-Day Cosmic Glow Upโ€ฆREIKI RELAY! ๐ŸŒˆ
Are you Ready? The 11-Day Cosmic Glow Upโ€ฆREIKI RELAY! is happening on 6/4/24 -- Yay! We'll be Activating the Golden Grid of Grace to serve ALL beings in ALL realms to GLOW UP the Universe! What's in Store for You: - ~Golden Grid Activation: Experience the profound connection to the Golden Grid, unlocking the gateway to grace and divine light. - ~Amplify Your Intentions: Harness the magic of Reiki energy to magnify your personal vibrations and intentions. - ~Healing for All Realms: Join us in sending powerful healing energy to all beings across dimensions for the Highest Good. - ~Inclusive Community Energy: Whether you're a seasoned Reiki practitioner or new to the practice, your contribution and intention matterโ€”everyone is welcome! - ~Daily Check-Ins: Stay accountable and connected through daily check-ins, fostering a supportive environment for your cosmic journey. By participating, you'll not only elevate your personal energy but contribute to a Global wave of healing & transformation. Let's unite and create a Luminous tapestry of Cosmic light together. The Cosmic journey begins on APRIL 24th in your own time zone. If you can do 11 minutes on the Golden Grid in a prayerful, meditative, singing, chanting and Reiki state of Illumination that would be Great! Everything is ready for you in the 'Classroom' tab, so go check it out. This link will take you straight to the 'classroom' area where I'm putting all the Reiki Relay! info: Please note: You don't need to know how to do Reiki!! Those in here who've not yet been attuned to Reiki could get energized while holding space and also helping with the intention, prayers, chanting, singing, etc. and Lighting up the Grid for the Highest Good of ALL. Embrace the magic, ignite the light within, and let's Glow Up together! I'm so grateful that we will Together gain all the benefits of Reiki amplified for 11 days and participate in sending a wave of Light to GLOW UP the Universe!!
New comment 15h ago
๐ŸŒŸ 11-Day Cosmic Glow Upโ€ฆREIKI RELAY! ๐ŸŒˆ
4 likes โ€ข 5d
@Lesley Suthern Really beautiful thank you ๐Ÿงก
3 likes โ€ข 5d
@Nick Stojanovski "Lokah Samastah Sukino Bhavantu" Blessings to all! Amma is coming! ๐Ÿ’•
Emotional detox party was off the charts!!
Hello fellow lightworkers Iโ€™m curious what yโ€™allโ€™s experience was? I gotta say to Sophie how beautifully divined timing that was astrologically especially in the sign of cancer ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐ŸพI pretty much cried the rest of the day ๐Ÿฅนand was constantly triggered by my spouse ๐Ÿคฃwhich I see now is just a mirror of what needed to be released! Was uncomfortably worth it lol What a blessing to have such potent support warriors that have our backs โค๏ธ๐Ÿงš๐Ÿฝโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿฆ„Thank you Christel, Sophie and all the ladies that give unconditionally ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ
New comment 5d ago
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I absolutely loved the emotional detox party! @Sophie Bidard did such a wonderful job. It was such a beautiful experience to be with people who care about wellness and emotional growth. It was incredibly uplifting, and I found myself feeling lighter and more at peace by the end of it. It was a reminder of how important it is to take time for ourselves and to nurture our emotional well-being. I'm truly grateful to have been a part of it!
Hello Delightful Soul, Are you feeling the gentle tug of the Universe, beckoning you to align with your true essence and rediscover harmony within? Perhaps you've sensed an imbalance in your lifeโ€”a feeling of being out of sync with your spiritual path or struggling to navigate the complexities of daily existence. Imagine this: a sacred journey where the mystical essence of Metatron's Cube meets the luminous facets of your being, weaving a tapestry of healing & transformation uniquely tailored to your Soul's evolution. Ahhhhโ€ฆwouldnโ€™t that be wonderful? I invite you to join me for a transformative experience where Iโ€™ll use the newly discovered & downloaded from my meditation. Itโ€™s the concept of Cosmic Crystal Alchemy: Chakra Balancing with Metatron's Cube & Crystal Consciousness! Iโ€™m really excited about it because it will help us build the bridge within our aura from our central channel to our Light body to activate our New Holographic body. We want to support the creation of this Holographic body to tap into the magic available in the 7th dimensional realm. If we have a consciously created holographic body, then we can choose the hologram of our Highest Soulโ€™s expression and become that way faster!!! So Iโ€™ve created the METATRONIC CRYSTAL CHAKRA BALANCING Workshop: In this special two-hour workshop, weโ€™ll dive deep into the enchanting realms of Sacred Geometry and Cosmic Crystal Alchemy, leveraging the profound energies of Metatron's Cube to amplify crystal frequencies for deep healing and spiritual expansion. Imagine the crystals nestled within your chakras as storytellers of your journeyโ€”a story waiting to be illuminated and embraced. Each crystal holds a memory, a facet of your journey, and within Metatron's Cube lies the key to unlocking their wisdom. Why Join This Workshop? This workshop isn't just about balancing chakras; it's about reclaiming your inner equilibrium and rediscovering your soul's resonance. Here's why it's relevant for you:
New comment 1d ago
2 likes โ€ข 7d
@Michelle Frankie How Wonderful
3 likes โ€ข 7d
@Christel Hughes Beautiful Blessings
1-10 of 244
Human in disguise -- Faery at Heart. Retired Social Worker who now enjoys Inspirational Spirited Chats. It's all about spreading Love, Hugs and Smiles

Active 4d ago
Joined Nov 8, 2023
Palm Springs, California
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