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5th Dimensional Reiki

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30 contributions to 5th Dimensional Reiki
Anyone interested in a Magdalene manifestation card?
These are beautiful, the glyphs help us realign to our highest potential in our creations and I’d love to share with all you beautiful peeps - some come in pairs so you may even get 2 🥰
New comment 26m ago
Anyone interested in a Magdalene manifestation card?
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I am loving all the beautiful strong connections within this group of souls - wonderful manifestations through the alchemy of source - matter into form - I love it! I’d love to hear how the cards and glyphs ‘feel’ for you 🙏🌹🥰
1 like • 53m
@Missy Hillock - for you lovely one is ecstatic bliss 🥰 the card that came for you was the key which holds the masculine element and coupled with the hologram card which holds the feminine balance it brings the opportunity to embody bliss in every moment -‘it is a joy to be me’ both glyphs work to realign back to the vibration of joy - en-joy sister 🙏
Hello Delightful Soul, Are you feeling the gentle tug of the Universe, beckoning you to align with your true essence and rediscover harmony within? Perhaps you've sensed an imbalance in your life—a feeling of being out of sync with your spiritual path or struggling to navigate the complexities of daily existence. Imagine this: a sacred journey where the mystical essence of Metatron's Cube meets the luminous facets of your being, weaving a tapestry of healing & transformation uniquely tailored to your Soul's evolution. Ahhhh…wouldn’t that be wonderful? I invite you to join me for a transformative experience where I’ll use the newly discovered & downloaded from my meditation. It’s the concept of Cosmic Crystal Alchemy: Chakra Balancing with Metatron's Cube & Crystal Consciousness! I’m really excited about it because it will help us build the bridge within our aura from our central channel to our Light body to activate our New Holographic body. We want to support the creation of this Holographic body to tap into the magic available in the 7th dimensional realm. If we have a consciously created holographic body, then we can choose the hologram of our Highest Soul’s expression and become that way faster!!! So I’ve created the METATRONIC CRYSTAL CHAKRA BALANCING Workshop: In this special two-hour workshop, we’ll dive deep into the enchanting realms of Sacred Geometry and Cosmic Crystal Alchemy, leveraging the profound energies of Metatron's Cube to amplify crystal frequencies for deep healing and spiritual expansion. Imagine the crystals nestled within your chakras as storytellers of your journey—a story waiting to be illuminated and embraced. Each crystal holds a memory, a facet of your journey, and within Metatron's Cube lies the key to unlocking their wisdom. Why Join This Workshop? This workshop isn't just about balancing chakras; it's about reclaiming your inner equilibrium and rediscovering your soul's resonance. Here's why it's relevant for you:
New comment 1d ago
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@Michelle Frankie wow I also have a labadorite ring - please share with us 🥰
2 likes • 1d
@Michelle Frankie interesting! 🧐 time for a rethink 🥰🧚🌹
TRIANGLE DIVINE 'Dimensional Attunements' ~ SERIES of 4 Calls ~
Claim your Intuitive Mastery and establish a Consistent Flow of Light through your ~Clairs with Increased Communication! Activate your Triangle Centers - the 4 main multi-dimensional parts of your human being that enable you to Master your intuition + keep them online and available for that reliable, unwavering flow of light and information! To do this we need to upgrade the chakras and surrounding organs that correlate to the Triangles. You'll use Metatron's cube to create a sustainable sub-structure for Dimensional expression of your Soul. We'll access the 3D - 5D - 6D - 7D levels which relate to your Triangle Centers of Intelligence. Check it out: We'll be Stabilizing the vibration of these 4 Triangle Centers by creating a 'vibrational nesting place' with the corresponding organs and chakras to support your Being Master Intuitive Human with Multi-Dimensional access: Triangle - Chakra - Body/Organ - Dimension ~SENTIENCE TRIANGLE (Clairsentience) - Solar Plexus chakra - Stomach, Gallbladder, Spleen, Liver - 3rd Dimension ~MATTER TRIANGLE (Clairaudience) - Throat chakra + Ear chakras - Thyroid, Mouth, Esophagus + Ears - 5th Dimension ~SPIRIT TRIANGLE (Clairvoyance) - Pineal + Pituitary Gland, Hypothalamus - 6th Dimension ~THOUGHT TRIANGLE (Claircognizance) - Cerebrum, Spinal Cord, Brain Stem - 7th Dimension The human mind won't easily "surrender" to Spirit, so we must upgrade = Higher multi dimensional Mind to Spirit resonance. We will prepare your energy body (corresponding chakra), physical body (corresponding organ) with the Triangle Center of Intelligence so that you are available and stable. Then the substructure is sound enough to "hold" you in a way that allows for you to 'play Celestial music together' with the Cosmic Light - you as a divine instrument and the Light playing through you...singing your Soul Song. Discover more:
New comment 2d ago
TRIANGLE DIVINE 'Dimensional Attunements' ~ SERIES of 4 Calls ~
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@Michelle Frankie 🧚🧚🧚
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The crystal heart triangle activation just received from mother Magdalene - sharing for all - may ALL be blessed 💕
THE EMOTIONAL CORNER... Let's Get Emotional!!! 🤨😉😨🥰😵‍💫
IT'S TODAY!!! THE EMOTIONAL DETOX PARTY!!! FREE, LIVE event ~ Saturday, June 29th at 9am PT >> Bring all your emotions of anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame & despair to the party and... let them share with you their brilliant guidance & wisdom and... bye bye to the residue, cleared away in the purest light of the Great Central Sun!!! GAIN GREATER WELLBEING, INNER PEACE, INTUITIVE CLARITY & DIVINE CONNECTION! >> ~~~ Hello everyone, welcome to this new space, The Emotional Corner!! It's OK to get emotional, let's do it together!! And if the mere notion of 'getting emotional' makes you uncomfortable, rest assured: you're in the right place! 😁 As the 'expert in all things emotional' at the Academy for the Soul, I'm inspired to create this space to offer guidance, you can ask questions, we can all share good practices... In short, here we enjoy "emotional conversations", with compassionate care & mutual support 💖💞💓 The triple intention of the EMOTIONAL CORNER is to offer a safe, sacred space to ~ first 'de-dramatize' emotions (eventually, to befriend them!), ~ then empower ourselves in navigating our own emotionality, ~ ultimately, embrace our emotions for their true purpose: offering a highly personal guidance system that leads us through the ups & downs, unknowns & uncertainties of our life experiences ~ with Divine Wisdom as our compass!!
New comment 2d ago
THE EMOTIONAL CORNER... Let's Get Emotional!!! 🤨😉😨🥰😵‍💫
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@Michelle Frankie I was doing this meditation when he came to me in the cosmic corridor - it’s beautiful 🥰🙏🌹🧚
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@Michelle Frankie yes the photo I posted above with the Christ blessing 🥰
Who is your Emotional Support Animal at the moment?
If you want a draw from my Animal Wisdom Cards deck, post your request: 💓🐾💓"Who is my Emotional Support Animal at the moment?" 💓🐾💓 & I'll shuffle for you, calling your Animal to show up & share their wisdom with you!! PS Find more Emotional Support & Guidance Resources in the classroom >>
New comment 4d ago
Who is your Emotional Support Animal at the moment?
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Sadie Quinn "Who is my Emotional Support Animal at the moment?" Thankyou 🥰🙏🌹
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@Sophie Bidard how beautiful! Thankyou dear Sophie 🥰🙏🌹
1-10 of 30
Lesley Suthern
413points to level up
Working to raise the vibration of our beautiful planet one heart at a time ❤️

Active 25m ago
Joined Mar 21, 2024
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