REPLAYS ready -- Shine Your Inner Star ~ Winter Soulstice Celebration
Hello Sweet Light,
As the wintry winds whisper tales of cosmic transitions and celestial alignments, we invite you to join us for a celebration that ignites the spirit and illuminates the soul. On December 21st, 12:21pm EST/ 9:21am PT mark your calendar for our "Shine Your Inner Star ~ Winter Soulstice Celebration," a day dedicated to embracing the magic within and honoring the sacred rhythms of the Universe.
The entire schedule is here and be sure to put your name in for a chance to get an Intuitive reading for those segments that are offered:
The Winter Solstice heralds a pivotal moment—a celestial dance where darkness surrenders to the growing light. It's a time of rebirth, renewal, and the awakening of our inner luminosity. At this magical juncture, we gather to honor the cosmic symphony, celebrating the return of light and the promise of new beginnings.
Join us for an enchanting day filled with soul-nourishing rituals, meditative reflections, and heartfelt connections. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of traditions from around the world, each woven with reverence for this celestial spectacle.
Through guided meditations, intuitive reading sessions, inspiring stories and community sharing, we'll delve into the significance of the Solstice—aligning ourselves with the profound energies of renewal and transformation.
This celebration isn't just about observing a celestial event; it's an invitation to delve into your inner sanctum, to rediscover the brilliance that resides within your being. Together, let's kindle the flames of hope, courage and resilience as we step into the season of light.
Come, be a part of this luminous gathering and let us embark on a journey of self-discovery, unity and Cosmic reverence. Your presence will add a sparkle to our celestial tapestry, enhancing the magic of this sacred occasion.
Let's celebrate the Winter Soulstice in Unity and Joy...Embracing the Radiant light within us all.
In luminous anticipation,
Christel, Margo Fraser and Academy for the Soul experts
P.S. Winter Soulstice Celebration - 'Shine Your Inner Star' on December 21st, 12:21pm EST / 9:21am PT
Find the full Soulstice line-up and get your questions in for segments that have readings!
Christel Hughes
REPLAYS ready -- Shine Your Inner Star ~ Winter Soulstice Celebration
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