Purifying Clairaudience Passages ~NEW~Workshop w/Christel + Amanda
Have you ever felt like there's a whisper in your soul, a gentle calling from the depths of your being, urging you to connect with the Divine? I've been there, navigating the twists and turns of life's journey, seeking that profound sense of spiritual connection and clear guidance. Many folks have asked me how I did it -- what I did to open so that the messages came through loud and clear. I worked with specific areas, not just the usual ears or throat, to create a triangular portal in the natural cavities held within the body that interact in the spiritual realms.
So you asked for this and we've delivered the way that's worked for us: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/purifypassages/
In our upcoming workshop, "Purifying Clairaudient Passages," we're embarking on a journey of healing and transformation. You see, the ear, nose, throat, and sinus passages aren't just physical conduits—they're deeply intertwined with our energetic system, our chakras and the 5th dimension.
Imagine for a moment the delicate balance of energy within your throat chakra, the center of communication and self-expression. When this chakra is blocked, it can manifest as issues with the throat and sinuses, making it difficult to speak your truth or hear the whispers of your spiritual guides.
Similarly, the ear chakras play a vital role in our ability to perceive spiritual messages. Blockages in the ear passages can disrupt the flow of energy, leaving us feeling disconnected from our inner wisdom and the guidance of the Celestial realm.
But here's the beautiful part: through intentional healing and purification, we can restore harmony to these energetic centers and awaken our innate clairaudient ability to connect with the Divine. We inspire this triangle of Clairaudience that has the ability to magnetize the frequencies and draw them into your inner temple and amplify the feeling tones.
In our workshop, we'll gently unravel the emotional knots that have been holding you back, clearing the way for a deeper, more profound connection with your spiritual allies. Join now:
Most importantly, after clearing out the passages, increasing the vital flow of information in the 5th and ear chakras, we'll build up a NEW spiritual foundation at the 5th Dimensional level from which we can now stand tall as a spiritual conduit and gain access the the wisdom of the 6th and 7th dimensions.
We've been functioning from the 3rd & 4th dimension as we've worked to be anchored in the body and heart and now it's time to see that as the substratum filled with heart light energy -- And to increase our capacity to build our next platform at the 5th dimension to interact with Divine.
our resident Medical intuitive and Master Wizard will be doing a deep dive into clearing the ears, nose, throat and sinuses. Along with supporting you in gaining a greater understanding of their function in the bio-spiritual sphere.
If you're ready to step into the fullness of your Clairaudient potential, I invite you to join us on this sacred journey. Let's walk this path together, opening our hearts and minds to the boundless wisdom and love that await us in the Celestial realm. Sign up at this link: https://academyforthesoulstation.com/purifypassages/
Christel Hughes
Purifying Clairaudience Passages ~NEW~Workshop w/Christel + Amanda
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