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5th Dimensional Reiki

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70 contributions to 5th Dimensional Reiki
🔥 Unleash Your Inner Flame with Our Sizzling Summer Sale! 🔥
🌟 Join Us in Embracing Profound Galactic Upgrades this Season 🌟 Hello Beautiful, As the sizzling summer Sun gently fades in the Northern hemisphere, a deep & potent cosmic energy is rising—a wave of transformation that invites us to journey together into the heart of the universe’s vast potential. It’s a time of connection, expansion, and the kind of soul-deep growth that we can only achieve when we open ourselves fully to the energies of the cosmos. Our Special Sizzling Summer Activations are more than just energetic upgrades—they're a gateway to profound Multi-Dimensional and Galactic transformations that we can explore together. These activations, crafted with the sacred geometry of Metatron’s Cube and the power of ancient Sacred Symbols, are designed to help us tap into the highest realms of our existence. I’ve felt the profound shifts these energies bring, and I know that by joining in this experience, you’ll feel them too. Pick the ones that best suit your next step into your Soulful Elevation Journey: Let’s step into this journey side by side, embracing the opportunity to unlock the deepest layers of our cosmic potential. The universe is calling us to rise together, to expand our consciousness, and to bring our highest selves into being. I'd be honored if you’d join me in these transformative experiences of remote activations. Click HERE to explore these special activations, and let’s make this summer one of profound connection and growth. With heartfelt connection and cosmic light, Christel PLEASE NOTE: These activations offered by me are Remote and done on the 7D Holodeck in a Sacred Container using the energies of Metatron's cube. They will be done on a chosen day of the week with a time of day. But you don't need to be available at that time. I can do your remote activation no matter where you are or what you're doing since it is done virtually. If you have any questions, please reach out to Gemma at:
New comment 1d ago
🔥 Unleash Your Inner Flame with Our Sizzling Summer Sale! 🔥
4 likes • 10d
@Ana Donne Hello - the ringing in the ears is not from the activation done early this morning. There's external interference due to an opening in your Aura (mental body) - that needs to be sealed so the external noise can be canceled.
4 likes • 4d
👁️ 👁️ Vision Reharmonization for Body Elevation Remote Activation 🙌 with me (Fri. Sept. 13th at 10:10am PT): Having vision troubles? This could be physical issues with seeing clearly or even challenges on a more energetic Soul where you have difficulties envisioning greater possibilities, incredible outcomes or other 'realities' because they seem outside of the scope of what's possible for you. That's why I'm excited to work with you - specifically honing in on designated anatomical features, including your eyes and specific areas of the brain, that inform your current vision for your life and body. We'll upgrade the consciousness held in these spaces and redefine how you 'see' yourself and your World. In this way you become empowered to create a whole new reality based on your Soul Vision, with more choice, clarity and empowerment. Get in on the Vision Reharmonization for Body Elevation Remote Activation with me here (it's tomorrow, Fri. Sept. 13th at 10:10am PT): Areas of focus for this remote activation include: ~ RIGHT & LEFT EYES - Cleansing + Divine Upgrade Dissolve energetic visual interferences in left and right eyes that disrupt Divine Vision and generate disharmony + conflicts in left-right function, flow and perceptual intake. Amanda will use a Sacred Symbol for dissolving old eye patterning + upgrading balance & visual reception for eye harmony that's reflected as whole body harmony. NOTE: Visual Perception disturbances can impact posture, position and responsiveness to environment - these shifts for visual disruptions enhance your body's ability to respond to and align with your Cranial Upgrades so your whole body's in Divine Congruence. ~ CEREBELLUM - Reset + Reanimation Restoration of Divine Vision requires direct consciousness shift in cerebellum (controller of eye movements) and specific frequencies to be animated so that your eyes are moving to 'see' from your Divine Soul perspective. In turn, the cerebellum then translates this information to optimize body balance in accordance with your Divine Vision.
🌿 Join the '3 Days + 3 Ways' mini-Cleanse! 🌟
WooHoo! We are launching our 3rd round of '3 Days + 3 Ways' mini-Cleanse! 🌟 🌿 🌟 Are you ready to Reset and Rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit? Let's embark on a transformative journey together with a 3-day mini-cleanse that targets not just our physical health but our emotional and mental well-being too! 1) Physical Level: 🥦 Let's nourish our bodies with pure, vibrant foods! For the next 3 days, consider giving up processed foods, sugar, heavy meats, or gluten. Opt for whole, plant-based meals packed with nutrients that fuel and rejuvenate. You could also change your physical space - clean out your cabinets or refrigerator! 2) Emotional Level: 🌸 It's time to detox emotionally! Identify habits or relationships that drain your emotional energy. For these 3 days, consider distancing yourself from emotionally taxing situations or co-dependent relationships, allowing space for emotional clarity and balance. You could also go through your closet and get rid of things you're emotionally attached to - those old skinny jeans ;-) 3) Mental Level: 🧘‍♂️ Embrace mental clarity! Practice mindfulness and give your mind a break from excessive stimulation. Consider limiting screen time, engaging in meditation, or taking breaks to reconnect with yourself throughout these 3 days. You can also give up unhealthy habits, transform beliefs and shift those personas that are dragging you down. Yes, the holiday season is around the corner, but this mini-cleanse is a gift to yourself—a reset before the festivities begin! And for an added touch, I'll be chanting the Tryambakam Mantra, holding space for your body, emotions, and mind to align and find harmony during this cleanse. Let's support each other on this transformative journey towards wellness and balance. Are you in? Share your chosen mini-cleanse (or do all 3 areas) and your intention/commitment to these 3 days of renewal! Let's start this journey together toward a Refreshed and Revitalized Self. 🌿💫🌿 Your Cleanse Prep is ready for you in the 'Classroom' tab, so go check it out. This link will take you straight to the 'classroom' area where we're going to be putting all the 3 Days + 3 Ways mini-Cleanse! info:
New comment 11d ago
🌿 Join the '3 Days + 3 Ways' mini-Cleanse! 🌟
4 likes • Jun 29
@Christel Hughes love your colorful spiral - makes me think of donuts lol, luckily those aren't a trigger food for me 🤣
4 likes • 16d
@Sadie Quinn @Christel Hughes Count me in! I'm starting up on Monday with new workout 'challenge' so will get rolling with cleanse simultaneously. If people need more time to start I'm happy to hold space - I'll be going for at least 5 days 😊
When is the best time of day to meditate and chant?
Hello, @Christel Hughes I know that with hypnosis you've mentioned the 'magical time' for us to do that, but wondering if the same applies with meditation and chanting. Thanks!
New comment 12d ago
When is the best time of day to meditate and chant?
4 likes • 16d
Just noticed this question - while I love meditation and chanting 1st thing in the morning and right before bed, I have to say any time of day is a good time for either or both! 💜
for the Love of...CHANTING...
Let's begin our 11 days of Ganesha Chanting . July 1st start... Aum Gam Ganapataye Namaha! Any fellow chanters in here? What's your favorite chant of all times - right now? Who is your favorite artist chanter? I Love chanting -- it's changed my life for sure. It's such a beautiful and peaceful, inspiring and uplifting practice you can do anytime/anywhere. It instantly raises your vibration and your being responds so fast. You can pick a chant that has meaning for your situation to support you, for your body to become healthier, to turn back the clock and release karma and to open your intuition amongst so many more... Let's share...insights, blessings and inspire each other to use this vibrational attuning key to raise our vibes to 5D + Beyond!
New comment 6d ago
for the Love of...CHANTING...
6 likes • Aug 12
Hello Lovelies! Back from a week spent at camp at the Ocean with my daughters - made sure to chant both Om Parashaktiyai Namah and Om Gam Ganapataye Namah every day. Invoked extra ocean power as our site overlooked the ocean and sent the waves of light through our Sacred community grid! How's your chanting going??
3 likes • 16d
@Christel Hughes I'm really loving this one! Om Shan Shanishvaraya Namaha
Unclogging Your Liver Workshop for Divine Regeneration - Sat. August 24th at 11am PT
Your liver is so phenomenal, performing over 500 functions in your body ~ when it's function is compromised your body suffers and can have you chasing down symptoms that won't go away because they actually trace back to you liver! Not only does this have a tremendous physical impact, but your liver also serves as a conduit for your intuition. Click this link and listen in to the interview to learn more here: Here's some of what you'll discover when you listen in: - Your resilience - ability to bounce back + face difficulties head on without retreating or getting distracted - is directly related to your Liver health - Your energy and drive to keep going (persistence) are both gleaned from the liver - fatigue is the most common symptom you experience when the liver is compromised! - Your skin and eyes reflect the health of your liver - physically and energetically, this includes your ability to set healthy boundaries and have a clear Vision + direction - Your Liver is home to your Ethereal Soul (the Soul component that lives on even after your body dies) which is in charge of your intuition - with full connection and availability to your Ethereal Soul, your body can sense the subtle realms - Effectively processing your emotions and transforming your mindset (getting rid of old beliefs that do not serve you) requires your energetic liver - doing so reduces the stress response in your body which promotes a healthy physical liver Get all of these insights and more on the replay page here: The liver is being taxed in a major way right now so I felt the call to offer up this workshop that will serve the highest flow and function of your liver. That way you can elegantly navigate the major transformations happening for you, enabling you to effectively assimilate and utilize heightened light codes awakening within you now!
New comment 16d ago
Unclogging Your Liver Workshop for Divine Regeneration - Sat. August 24th at 11am PT
5 likes • 25d
Hello Sacred Lovelights ~ I've been witnessing the massive purging we're moving through Mercury Retrograde right now all coinciding with redefining how you perceive yourSelf during this introspective time. As you look within and allow yourself to capitalize on the Mercury Retrograde energies at play now that are assisting in having you release the significance you place on opinions and reactions of others and come more in tune to using your inner intuition as your barometer for taking action, your body - especially your liver - works extra to remove the old energetic pattern and associated bioproducts of the old paradigms. Let's get your liver supported in this endeavor so you can take full advantage of these specific frequencies guiding you into being more expressive of your Soul Essence without reservations:
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Amanda Hopkins
5,289points to level up
Medical Intuitive & Body Wizard

Active 12m ago
Joined Nov 10, 2023
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