👋 Introduce yourself right here!
This is the introductions thread so we can get to know each other. Say hi, share what you're spiritually inspired by! In your intro answer these 3 questions:
✨ What's your name? (feel free to share pronouns if you'd like!)
✨ Let's reminisce, When did you first get attuned to Reiki OR are you a newbie & interested to know more? ...include what level you're attuned to, type of Reiki you do, who you serve, etc.
✨ If you could snap your fingers and Magically manifest instantly...what would you manifest & why?
Looking forward to meeting you!
Christel Hughes
👋 Introduce yourself right here!
5th Dimensional Reiki
Forum for High Vibes ✨
We're talking REIKI with 💓 Love & Awareness +
Practical Spirituality
Stay for the ELEVATED convo 🚀
5D transformation 🦋
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